



Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

Looking for Black Women Content Creators that make Dungeons & Dragons (DND) content for some potential brand work! Hit us up! pic.twitter.com/agf9aXIiAT

2024-02-20 10:05:44


Sir Dammed @Sir_Dammed

Here's their hiring page, for those wondering. "We're excited that you're interested in joining our exclusive community of passionate black women and non-binary gamers." Now upload a picture of yourself and let us know if you're black or not.

2024-03-30 10:03:17
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

We're addressing the recent allegations published on thatparkplace.com about discriminatory hiring practices within Black Girl Gamers. These claims are false and were made without prior fact-checking or verification from us or our representatives. (1/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:35





Darkman @Darkman350821

You ding dongs know that this policy is against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 right? This is discrimination. I hope nobody hires bigots like you and the likes of Sweet Baby Inc. Enjoy the lawsuit and the decline 🤙. pic.twitter.com/HiYKgqZMDb x.com/blackgirlgamer…

2024-03-27 11:15:29

この方針が1964年の公民権法に反していることは知ってるよな?差別だろこれ。テメーらやSweet Baby Inc.のような偏屈者が雇われなくなる事を祈るわ。


(Vanessa) Gothix @GothixTV

As an former Black Girl Gamers member, I can confidently say these people are full of crap. They do NOT care about diversity. They promptly kicked me out for being "anti-black" AKA, not making an idol out of my skin color and refusing to hate white people. x.com/Grummz/status/…

2024-03-28 00:25:54
Grummz @Grummz

If you like the work I do reporting on Black Girl Gamers legal threats against gamers and want to aid my future legal fund (joking), please Subscribe!

2024-03-27 11:15:49
(Vanessa) Gothix @GothixTV

I was harassed for MONTHS after the fact, and received an onslaught of vitriol from many of their BLACK members. You know how BGG responded? They blocked me and literally scrubbed my existence off of their platforms.

2024-03-28 00:25:54



Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

We're addressing the recent allegations published on thatparkplace.com about discriminatory hiring practices within Black Girl Gamers. These claims are false and were made without prior fact-checking or verification from us or our representatives. (1/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:35
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

Black Girl Gamers operates as a contracting organization that collaborates with both freelancers and content creators from all backgrounds to work on various projects and initiatives to amplify underrepresented voices in gaming and make the community more inclusive. (2/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:35
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

Contrary to the allegations in the article, Black Girl Gamers has contracted freelancers of all races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and ethnic backgrounds. (3/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:36
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

We have also included representation of all genders and backgrounds in our content, at our events, and in our marketing, consultation, and research projects, some of which are not publicly disclosed due to NDAs. (4/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:36
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

Evidence demonstrating our commitment to diversity and inclusion, including our non-discriminatory hiring practices, is readily available and easily searchable. (5/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:36
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

Upon discovering these false and defamatory allegations, we have taken steps to obtain legal counsel to take action against the publication and journalist, as well as subsequent content creators who have reshared the false allegations about our organization. (6/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:36
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

We will continue to pursue further action against anyone who persists in spreading false and defamatory information about Black Girl Gamers, its founder, and its contractors and partners. (7/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:37
Black Girl Gamers @blackgirlgamers

We value the talent and contributions of all our collaborators and we are committed to continuing to do so. Thank you to our community for the ongoing support. (8/8)

2024-03-27 08:31:37

【社名】における差別的な雇用慣行に関する、【乗せてはいけないリンク】 に掲載された最近の申し立てについて。これらの主張は虚偽であり、当社または当社の代表による事前の事実確認や検証なしに行われた主張です。

Black Girl Gamersは請負業社として運営されており、あらゆる背景を持つフリーランサーやコンテンツクリエイターと協力し、ゲームにおける十分に代表されていない声を増幅し、コミュニティをより包括的なものにするための様々なプロジェクトやイニシアチブに取り組んでいます。







Grummz @Grummz

SBI style consulting company @blackgirlgamers threatens legal action over That Park Place gaming website over "defamatory allegations." They go to say they will pursue legal action against ANYONE who links to That Park Place's article or spreads it in any manner. 🧵(con't) pic.twitter.com/weH7vXQpDf

2024-03-27 10:24:32
Grummz @Grummz

Black Girl Gamers claims that they were falsely claimed to have been employing discriminatory hiring practices. by thatparkplace.com A quick check reveals that the article states BGG "appears to be discriminating in their hiring practices..." Link here: thatparkplace.com/forspoken-cons… I verified that the BGG post "Looking for Black Women Content Creators" was made on Feb 19 and is still up on their X account at this time.

2024-03-27 10:32:03

SweetBabyIncと同類のコンサルティング会社【社名】が、「中傷的な主張」を理由にThat Park Placeのゲームサイトに対して法的措置を取ると脅してる。

That Park Placeの記事にリンクを張ったり、それを拡散したりした人に対しては、誰であれ法的措置を取ると主張してる。

【社名】は、That Park Palaceによって、差別的な雇用慣行を採用していると虚偽の主張をされたとの事。




Grummz @Grummz

That Park Place is likely referring to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. While That Park Place seems to speculate that it might be a violation of law, at no point do they claim it as fact. Black Girl Gamers further claim... (con't)

2024-03-27 10:36:23