【質問】 トゥーレア日系人強制収容所について教えてください.

Q&A簡易作成のための試験運用中.  客観性を担保するためのノウハウを,この試験運用を通じて集積していきます.  なお,客観性確保のため,重複や罵詈雑言の類を除いてbot的に収集していますので,真偽不明情報を含みます.
Densho @DenshoProject

While raising four children, Egami became part of the Issei artist and literary community in Southern California. She wrote and edited for the Rafu Shimpo, the literary journal Shūkaku, and Hokubei Shijin Kyokai, the first inter-regional Japanese literary association in the U.S.

2023-03-15 03:01:56
Densho @DenshoProject

During WWII, the Egami family was removed from their Pasadena home and incarcerated first at the Tulare Assembly Center and Gila River. She became a writer for the Gila News Courier, authoring two serial columns, "Fujin no Sekai" (Women's World) and "Pen no Shizuku" (Ink Drop). pic.twitter.com/k8NDtvIt5N

2023-03-15 03:03:08
Densho @DenshoProject

In "Fujin no Sekai," Egami tried to re-energize Japanese speakers in the camp, telling people to live on with a strong spirit even in the face of injustice and despair. She also encouraged women to get involved in social events and to seek out educational opportunities in camp.

2023-03-15 03:03:27
Densho @DenshoProject

Egami also kept a diary during her incarceration that was later translated and published. In addition to documenting many aspects of camp life, she wrote astute observations about the impacts of the forced removal and looked for ways to keep smiling as a form of survival. pic.twitter.com/cxu25wjCtg

2023-03-15 03:03:42
Densho @DenshoProject

Though there is no information about what happened to the Egami family after the war, Hatsuye left Gila River by herself for Topaz on March 20, 1943. She later received an indefinite leave of clearance and left for Cincinnati, Ohio.

2023-03-15 03:04:00
Densho @DenshoProject

Read more about Hatsuye Egami in the Densho Encyclopedia or in the published “Evacuation Diary of Hatsuye Egami”: encyclopedia.densho.org/Hatsuye%20Egami

2023-03-15 03:04:04


Nathan K. Hensley @nathankhensley

Writer: Forms of Empire bit.ly/2hMmEfJ. Coeditor: Ecological Form bit.ly/3opN2ve. Now: tinyurl.com/4dv276nm. He/him.


Nathan K. Hensley @nathankhensley

July 4, 1942, inmates at Tulare Assembly Center (CA), a concentration camp, put Declaration of Independence on front page of comm. newspaper pic.twitter.com/X6seF9gmsq

2017-03-10 23:28:35
Nathan K. Hensley @nathankhensley

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed ... with certain unalienable Rights" pic.twitter.com/hM24Qu61SZ

2017-03-10 23:30:34
Nathan K. Hensley @nathankhensley

"whenever any Form of Gov't becomes destructive of these ends, it is Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, & to institute new Govt" pic.twitter.com/IEWHoyLfPp

2017-03-10 23:32:08


Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation @HeartMountainWY

History teachers often lead the efforts to preserve elements of the Japanese American incarceration that others have tried to erase. In Tulare, CA, Mr. Mendoza’s class acted when they learned there was nothing to mark the Tulare Assembly Center. ourvalleyvoice.com/2022/06/02/tul…

2022-06-03 20:06:04
Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation @HeartMountainWY

Baseball gave Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II something to remind them of life before they were stuck behind barbed wire. usatoday.com/story/sports/m…

2024-04-26 21:37:06
Susan H. Kamei @susanhkamei

From Yoshio "Yosh" Nakamura, male, Nisei, El Monte, California, incarcerated at age 17, Tulare Assembly Center, Gila River Relocation Center pic.twitter.com/pkywZgMAQv

2022-07-28 04:35:01
Fresno Bee Opinion @opiniontalk

Assembly GOP leader Connie Conway of #Tulare holds fundraiser for Senate race in L.A.'s #Staples Center: #CAWATER... fb.me/2uAAeGtvd

2013-04-06 15:05:20