【質問】 トゥーレア日系人強制収容所について教えてください.

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消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

California Historic Marker No. 934, Tulare Assembly Center youtu.be/CfnN2713t_Q?si… @YouTubeより

2024-04-27 15:33:47
JAMPilgrimages @JAMPilgrimages

On April 20, 1942 Tulare Assembly Center opens in central California. It will eventually house almost 5,000 inmates. #tulareassemblycenter pic.twitter.com/0FrpHPEb1s

2018-04-20 22:01:48
JAMPilgrimages @JAMPilgrimages

On this date in 1942, the Tulare Assembly Center opened. It held people from Los Angeles and Sacramento and the Southern California coast. #tulareassemblycenter #tularecalifornia #wwii #americasconcentrationcamps #neveragainisnow pic.twitter.com/AHltFehlxF

2019-04-20 23:30:34




Alma David @ziggysternstaub

Immigration attny, mother, at home nowhere and everywhere, lover & fighter, bowie fan

Alma David @ziggysternstaub

Two days after my grandparents married, pursuant to Executive Order 9066, they were evacuated to the Tulare Assembly Center and then interned at Gila River Relocation Center. My mother, the eldest of four siblings, was one of the first babies born at Gila River Relocation Center. pic.twitter.com/j1ONHQFpRB

2018-02-20 03:58:16
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

From my grandfather's FBI file - he was luckier than my grandmother's father, also a Buddhist priest, who was considered so dangerous by the FBI that he was arrested the morning of February 18, 1942 and imprisoned in an "alien enemy" camp on suspicion of espionage. pic.twitter.com/sTlHGZ73Ty

2018-02-20 03:58:16
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

After being released from the camp a bit early to help prepare for resettling their community, my grandparents went to LA, where they, with the help of Reverend Julius Goldwater (cousin of Barry Goldwater!), an ordained Buddhist monk, set up the Buddhist Hostel. pic.twitter.com/IEu98AEd30

2018-02-20 03:58:17
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

My grandparents moved to Berkeley, where my grandfather served as the minister of the Berkeley Buddhist Temple and where my grandmother took care of the Temple's hostel, which later became a dorm. They were the heart and soul of their community for many years to come. pic.twitter.com/DghBZbNmJm

2018-02-20 03:58:17
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

They played a big role in cultivating Western understanding and appreciation of Buddhism. Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg and other big minds attended the Buddhist study groups my grandfather started. My grandmother was always the hostess with the mostest. pic.twitter.com/fclIstjtNE

2018-02-20 03:58:18
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

The pain, fear, and humiliation my grandparents suffered during the internment did not prevent them from going on to lead full lives, raising a family, nurturing their community, and contributing to an understanding and appreciation of Japanese Buddhism by non-Japanese Americans. pic.twitter.com/VdR9yv8Zcn

2018-02-20 03:58:18
Alma David @ziggysternstaub

On the anniversary of Executive Order 9066, I honor my grandparents' fortitude. I think of my clients, many of whom endured much worse than my grandparents, and yet also arrived on the other side of that experience with their humanity intact. Their resilience inspires me. pic.twitter.com/p3VeAJ7Vh7

2018-02-20 03:58:19


和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

『英国人捕虜が見た大東亜戦争下の日本人』を翻訳。当時の捕虜と日本人の関係がわかる貴重な史料です。 amzn.to/2AanWtj ヘッダー画像は大森捕虜収容所で開催された捕虜たちのクリスマス演劇「シンデレラ」の閉幕シーン。この演劇を紹介した動画 youtu.be/DDVAgJbj-qA


和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

日系人収容所で発行されたトゥーレアニュース1942年5月13日号。全6頁。トップニュースは「ハリウッドスターが収容所にやってきた」。慰問にきたわけではなく、テツ・コマイという日系人俳優が収容された。コマイの人生を紹介、記事としておもしろい。他に収容所内の出産、熱中症予防等。 pic.twitter.com/AGZTbrf6rb

2023-01-28 17:12:45
和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

2ページ目は、トゥーレア収容所での臨時評議会開催のニュース。郵便物の配達改善、菜園造りの推奨と種の配給、床屋、靴屋、洗濯屋の運営開始予定、お供えの花の手配、食堂でのビール販売などの話。社会福祉局設立、女性奉仕班では裁縫・手芸教室、テツ・コマイが非行や道徳問題を扱う少年班の責任者に pic.twitter.com/AHXPJPAbVw

2023-01-28 17:31:10
和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

3ページ目は主に1頁、2頁の続き。 あとは優秀なタイプライター募集。 pic.twitter.com/3ALdYuhFiW

2023-01-28 17:35:10
和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

4ページ目は仏教とキリスト教の集会のプログラム。収容所の美化のための花壇づくりで、マリーゴールド、百日草、飛燕草、ダリア、ペチュニア、ロベリアを植える予定。他の人の食事が減るので指定の食堂で食べるようにというお知らせ。腸チフスの予防接種。ダンスのお知らせ、紛失物など。 pic.twitter.com/rCTuKnzQlt

2023-01-28 18:31:12
和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

5ページ目、 収容所の人物紹介、予防接種の日程、サマースクールの紹介、収容所内の火災に関係する規則。火災を相当警戒していることがわかる。 pic.twitter.com/V3kv7jJ7uG

2023-01-28 18:40:07
和中 光次(わなか みつじ) @111g0

6ページ目 カリフォルニア州トゥーレア(仮)収容所、収容者の中の、著名なスポーツ選手紹介。野球のフレッド・ツダ、ジョージ・アラタニ、セイレン・イケダ、バスケットのフランク・フジイ選手。近くの消防署に配備されている消防自動車の能力。早朝の女子の体操。 pic.twitter.com/0DS1KikEiz

2023-01-28 18:50:42


Densho @DenshoProject

Preserves and shares history of the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans to promote equity and justice today.


Densho @DenshoProject

In today’s #WomensHistoryMonth feature, we get a rare look at an Issei woman's perspective on the wartime incarceration. Hatsuye Egami was born in Tokyo in 1902 and moved to the U.S. along with her husband and firstborn child in 1921. pic.twitter.com/B7mROY7a1C

2023-03-15 03:01:37