James Lucas氏による呼びかけ、好きな芸術作品を教えて、に応えた人々の推し作品たち

James Lucas @JamesLucasIT

Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

𝕏 Travels, Hotels and Resorts @em3dia

@JamesLucasIT Bernini is definitely inspiring x.com/em3dia/status/…

2024-05-11 15:46:21
𝕏 Travels, Hotels and Resorts @em3dia

@elonmusk This sculpture of David biting his lip before striking at Goliath is incredibly beautiful. One of the finest works by Bernini pic.twitter.com/Pt1cntGfhB

2023-12-17 05:40:35
Muse @xmuse_

@JamesLucasIT Release from Deception (Il Disinganno), by Francesco Queirolo (1752 to 1759) is among my favorites x.com/xmuse_/status/… pic.twitter.com/TGn0A3fM2U

2024-05-11 15:20:35
Muse @xmuse_

Release from Deception (Il Disinganno), a masterful marble sculpture by Francesco Queirolo, was created from 1752 to 1759 under the patronage of Raimondo di Sangro, the Prince of Sansevero and stands as one of Queirolo's most esteemed creations. This work artfully combines biblical and symbolic elements, portraying an angel liberating a fisherman from a net. This act signifies emancipation from sin and the embrace of the Scriptures, which rest near the fisherman's feet. The intricately sculpted marble net symbolizes the traps of falsehood, and the whole tableau serves as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge and the tension between reason and earthly desires. Presently, this sculpture graces the Cappella Sansevero in Naples, Italy, a chapel that doubles as a museum showcasing a variety of artistic treasures. 📹 gechannel1218

2024-05-02 23:49:34
Muse @xmuse_

@JamesLucasIT A masterpiece of Italian Baroque architecture and a pivotal cultural and historical landmark in Naples, the Sansevero Chapel is home to some of my favorite sculptures. x.com/xmuse_/status/… pic.twitter.com/iwdyEIIQrf

2024-05-11 15:25:32
Muse @xmuse_

The Sansevero Chapel, also known as the Chapel of Santa Maria della Pietà, was founded in 1590 by Giovanni Francesco di Sangro, the Duke of Torremaggiore, following his recovery from a serious illness. It was later transformed into a family mausoleum and significantly renovated under the guidance of Alessandro di Sangro in 1613, as indicated by the marble inscription above the entrance. This chapel stands as a testament to the world's artistic legacy, celebrated as one of the most remarkable creations of the human intellect, mirroring the brilliance of its architect, Raimondo di Sangro, the seventh Prince of Sansevero. A masterpiece of Italian Baroque architecture and a pivotal cultural and historical landmark in Naples, the chapel is home to a collection of sculptures that are not merely marble masterpieces but also deep allegories of the human condition. The Veiled Christ by Giuseppe Sanmartino, is the focal point, a sculpture so realistic and refined that it embodies the anguish and grace of mortality beneath its delicate, veil-like shroud. Among the other notable sculptures, Modesty by Antonio Corradini serves as an homage to Cecilia Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona, Raimondo di Sangro's mother. The statue is cloaked in a veil so sheer and translucent that it is often mistaken for actual fabric, demonstrating the sculptor's extraordinary talent. Disinganno (Release from Deception), created by Francesco Queirolo, is an intricate allegory that depicts the prince's father caught in a meticulously carved net, symbolizing life's complexities. The sculpture is a tour de force of marble craftsmanship, with the net seeming as delicate and ethereal as lace. The Glory of Paradise, painted on the ceiling by Francesco Maria Russo in 1749, the original intricate floor pattern, and the subterranean chamber all contribute to the chapel's enigmatic allure. Additionally, the chapel houses nearly thirty artworks, including other unnamed statues that reflect the ornamental exuberance typical of the Rococo era. The Sansevero Chapel Museum transcends its role as an art repository; it narrates a saga in stone and pigment. Each sculpture narrates a tale, each figure plays a role in a grand narrative of existence, demise, and the pursuit of enlightenment and veracity. The museum persists in its mission to inspire and enlighten, forging a link between bygone eras and the contemporary world, thereby solidifying its status as a cornerstone of Naples' cultural patrimony. Within this hallowed space, art defies the passage of time, and the sculptures serve as silent yet expressive testaments to the ingenuity of their creators and the foresight of Prince Raimondo di Sangro. 📹 MuseoCappellaSansevero

2024-05-05 21:20:53
V I S U A L S @VibrantVisualsV

@JamesLucasIT The Kailasa Temple India 🇮🇳 It was carved out of a single rock over 1200 years ago pic.twitter.com/sw6GM9Zr4D

2024-05-11 15:51:14
Aesthetics of Architecture @aesthete001

@JamesLucasIT Statue of Athena Promachos on the column in front of modern Academy of Athens by greek sculptor Leonidas Drosis pic.twitter.com/ekJA0xDZ3g

2024-05-11 16:21:06
Steven Ratnik @StevenJosephR

@JamesLucasIT Favorite painting, which must be seen in its original setting pic.twitter.com/1cRIwbnIN8

2024-05-11 18:51:52
Aesthetics of Architecture @aesthete001

@JamesLucasIT This work of art at the Austrian parliament in Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹 pic.twitter.com/pWApLphgUx

2024-05-11 16:30:20
Joanne Moretti. @JoannMoretti

@JamesLucasIT Pretty much everything in Florence. I was in heaven. #art #SaturdayMorning pic.twitter.com/pxStA4xUVD

2024-05-11 21:55:08
The Timeless Traveler @TimelessTrvlr

@JamesLucasIT My favorite work of art is the "Ecstasy of Saint Teresa" by Gian Lorenzo Bernini: pic.twitter.com/K7Nk6jmIAl

2024-05-11 15:18:23
Wavy Level 🔊 @WavyLevels

@JamesLucasIT This is my favorite work of art 🎨, because it's done by me 😊🥰 pic.twitter.com/NFYoTsLfLR

2024-05-11 16:51:13
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