AGBT tweets 2012 (3)

gathered tweets with hashtag #AGBT , until around 2012-02-20T23:30 of JST, for personal reference. RTs are removed with the function of this site. Please see the tweets aggregation (2) for ; , and see also "notAGBT" tweets aggregation :-)
Chris Gunter @girlscientist

Massive turnout for tweetup! Feeling the love. #AGBT

2012-02-18 12:35:36
Holly Bik @hollybik

@kbradnam are you at #AGBT IRL or just following online? Sounds cool either way!

2012-02-18 12:44:11
Sanzhen Liu @liu3zhen

MinIon can be used to QC your DNA libraries. Whatever libraries. That is great. #AGBT

2012-02-18 12:51:28
Una @sciolato

So cool! RT @pathogenomenick: I've embedded all the nanopore videos on the blog here #AGBT

2012-02-18 13:01:52
Jason Corneveaux @caddymob

Is this still a thing #AGBT? "Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Enter into Broad Commercialization Agreement"

2012-02-18 13:43:06
Francisco De La Vega @ribozyme

Also this: "Illumina Joins $41M Bet on Oxford Nanopore" RT @caddymob: Is this still a thing?. #AGBT

2012-02-18 14:10:20
Fiona Brinkman @fionabrinkman

Wow MT @pathogenomenick Oxford Nanopore megaton announcement: “Why do you need a machine?” – interview #AGBT

2012-02-18 14:17:26
Evgeny Glazov @EvgenyGlazov

Video: Dr. Tim Triche talks about long-read ncRNA Seq on the @iontorrent PGM and transcriptional complexity at #AGBT

2012-02-18 14:29:32
Arabgenes @Arabgenes

Rt @nanopore Introducing the MinION, a nanopore sequencer the size of a USB stick. Works just like GridION, but smaller #AGBT

2012-02-18 16:47:01
Mariam R. Rizkallah @mrrizkallah

Iit's been 2 hours and I am half way #AGBT tweets. This is a 500X coverage :-)

2012-02-18 17:43:50
Nick Loman @pathogenomenick

All the tweets (and there are a lot of them) from #AGBT day 3

2012-02-18 17:58:22
Nick Loman @pathogenomenick

All the blog posts from #AGBT which have caught my eye so far:

2012-02-18 17:59:35
Kevin @kevinltweets

diluting rabbit's blood in water = your sample prep I.M.P.R.E.S.S.E.D. Oxford @Nanopore machines #AGBT

2012-02-18 18:26:24
Simon Bayly @simonbayly

MT @pathogenomenick: Oxford Nanopore megaton announcement: “Why do you need a machine?” #AGBT"

2012-02-18 19:28:47
Nick Loman @pathogenomenick

Well here you go, #AGBT day 4 tweets - I guess we're not expecting announcements today.

2012-02-18 19:29:02
Chris Evelo @Chris_Evelo

Happy 2 provide tutorials RT @girlscientist: Boland final conclusion: he needs to go back to school for bioinformatics. Don't we all? #AGBT

2012-02-18 20:57:40
Illumina @illumina

#AGBT Workshop: Eliminating the Sequencing Informatics Bottleneck -- starts in 10 min, Illumina Lounge (Capri Ballroom 2/3)

2012-02-18 22:05:14
Shop Small & Local @will_fitzhugh

I'm way behind, too MT @mrrizkallah It's been 2 hours and I am half way thru #AGBT tweets. This is a 500X coverage :-)

2012-02-18 22:06:57
Shop Small & Local @will_fitzhugh

Doesnt $ILM own stake? MT @Matt_Francis #AGBT obi-wan: I felt a disturbance in the force, as if a million $ILM investors cried out in pain

2012-02-18 22:18:38
Neil Hall @neilhall_uk

Rothberg does not believe it. Who would have thunk? #agbt #nanopore

2012-02-18 22:21:45
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