Museum Next 2012 (1st day)

Europe's big conference on the digital side of museums. To know all the new ideas and techs around museums. ヨーロッパ最大級のデジタルとミュージアムを考えるカンファレンスハッシュタグまとめ. 今年はTokyo Art BeatのMupon チームも参加
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Digisam @digisam_raa

What now? And whats behind the interface? Social network maps & interconnecting of diff artists etc. Try it out! #MuseumNext

2012-05-25 00:45:17
RCAHMS @rcahms

'Timebook' concept #museumnext captures lines of connection - based on people here, but could easily work with places too!

2012-05-25 00:46:00
Jenni Fuchs | The Bear & The Fox @bearandfoxblog

A social network for bringing deceased artists & their interactions to life. Genius! #Timebook #MuseumNext

2012-05-25 00:46:37
Communicating The Arts @CTA_Conference

Innovative idea to create a social network for historical figures- Luca Chiarandini & Eduardo Pompeu #museumnext

2012-05-25 01:03:05
Mar Dixon ☕️🎭🗿🏛❤️ @MarDixon

#museumnext Timebook getting a lot of attention w/Q&A. A platform for dead artists to be brought back to life in 2012 - what's not to love?

2012-05-25 01:04:28
MUSEUMSunlimited @museumsunltd

Audio is an often neglected area of digital media. Anna Ramos presenting Ràdio Web demos innovative use of podcasts #museumnext

2012-05-25 00:40:13
Digisam @digisam_raa

Miro for everybody! Digitised collection + mobile website + new multimedia guide + Play Miro videos #MuseumNext

2012-05-25 00:51:53
MuseumNext @MuseumNext

#museumnext Seeing a video demo of Miro multimedia - was launched in 20122

2012-05-25 00:53:42
Sarah Tempest @Altogether_ST

Loving the Miro ambient campaign for Ladder of Escape #museumnext

2012-05-25 01:00:08
Bao @MuseumBao

I understand we are in Europe but I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of diversity at #museumnext. I've counted five other black women.

2012-05-25 00:54:14
James Morley @jamesinealing

#museumnext confirming my thought that there's optimum size below which museums have greater ability, and fewer barriers, to do great stuff

2012-05-25 00:54:37
Aoife Flynn @stranded_aoife

Key learning from users : Nothing about us, Without us, is for us. #Museumnext

2012-05-25 01:06:44
Seb Chan @sebchan

@5easypieces @homebrewer go meta and plot the use of the hype cycle on the hype cycle #museumnext

2012-05-25 01:14:37
Elaine Macintyre 🐆 @elainemacintyre

Definite theme emerging at #museumnext: connecting collections to people's everyday lives. Discuss...

2012-05-25 01:06:08
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