
あとで気になる用語調べたり、いいな〜と思うセンテンスを抜き出したりしたいと思って保存。 NEW! Diamond Jubilee pageant: Explore our high-definition picture - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18295433 続きを読む
ヨーロッパ旅行✈情報部 @euro_tour

英女王即位60年 壮大な船の祭典(6/4NHK) テムズ川では、3日、手こぎボートから歴史的な帆船までおよそ1000隻の船が集まり、11キロにわたって壮大なパレードが行われました。5日には女王夫妻らがロンドン市内を馬車でパレード・・http://t.co/gQORoHeq

2012-06-04 06:39:46
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld

The River Thames pageant is expected to be #London's most spectacular nautical event for 350 years http://t.co/LW5w2PSh #Jubilee

2012-06-03 16:43:12
cnn_co_jp @cnn_co_jp

英女王即位60周年行事始まる テムズ川で壮麗な水上パレード  http://t.co/D5MGQGoY

2012-06-04 11:17:46
Kalmia @kapok2009

BBC News - Live: Diamond Jubilee River Pageant http://t.co/y2ZgEOX1 エリザベス女王即位60年記念式典生中継。

2012-06-03 22:58:45
Kalmia @kapok2009

1441: The Jubilee bells - eight of them, named after members of the Royal Family - (cont.

2012-06-03 23:38:17
Kalmia @kapok2009

now ring out from the Belfry Barge, the lead vessel in the flotilla. http://t.co/Jc1httM3

2012-06-03 23:38:58
Kalmia @kapok2009

The Royal Barge is festooned with flowers. The Queen and Prince Philip will sit among them in specially-created thrones http://t.co/T09i2VXD

2012-06-03 23:39:46
Kalmia @kapok2009

Diamond Jubilee River Pageant A troupe of dancers is sending a semaphore message from the roof of London's Royal Festival Hall. (cont.

2012-06-03 23:56:18
Kalmia @kapok2009

.. They are using red and yellow flags to spell out the message: "Happy Diamond Jubilee Queen Elizabeth, We Heart You." http://t.co/6beIJ0jq

2012-06-03 23:56:55
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld

You vs The Queen: she's been to 116 countries in 60yrs. And you? Take the test http://t.co/wVBveuDQ #Jubilee #wherethequeensbeen

2012-06-04 00:16:56
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

#Jubilee river pageant - Fly-past by helicopters and a Swordfish bi-plane cancelled due to weather. LIVE http://t.co/gKn1feb7 #London

2012-06-04 01:43:54
Don Rowlands @donrowlands

@kapok_kopak been watching on telly. Wonderfully soggy British pagentry!

2012-06-04 02:22:28