
RT @masataka_ishida ハイチの首都ポルトープランスにあり、ミック・ジャガーも泊まったことがあるホテル・オロフソンのオーナーであり、以前Pヴァインから日本盤も出たヴードゥー・ロックのバンドRAMのリーダー、リチャード・モーゼが刻々と呟いています。
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I'm told things aren't good at Montana.. an 8 story building behind me is rubble @MillaV daniel morel has photos on Twitter..find photomorel

2010-01-13 12:17:56
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

heard rumor about hospital collapsing but don't know @ayitihs

2010-01-13 12:14:12
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

when my batteries die I will no longer be able to communicate..it's going to be a long night..our prayers go out to everyone

2010-01-13 12:12:28
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

It's getting quieter in PauP..singing and praying I was hearing earlier has died down..no helicopters..no sound of ambulances

2010-01-13 12:11:07
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

just saw a picture of the palace..it is destroyed

2010-01-13 12:03:10
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I have no word on Karibe and no evidence of other hotels being destroyed but I've heard things aren't good.. I'm concerned @rosshaskell

2010-01-13 11:54:59
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I'm not sure Montana is gone but someone told me they saw it destroyed..don't know what else to tell you..sorry @caitlinisalive

2010-01-13 11:52:05
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

Too much..have to take a break

2010-01-13 11:47:42
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I haven't heard from Santo..sorry.. @gosterval

2010-01-13 11:42:27
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

Phones are mostly down but sometimes you get lucky.. I hear that epi center of quake was near PauP @asger_leth

2010-01-13 11:31:58
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I hear Hotel Christopher is down from UN reporter..Christopher is UN headquarters @asger_leth

2010-01-13 11:30:33
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

The phones are mostly down but some times you get lucky and get through @PhillipM

2010-01-13 11:28:29
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

I'm hearing singing and praying from from the carrefour feuilles area.. My prayers go out to the folks there @sergeoo1

2010-01-13 11:26:00
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

If the Montana Hotel and the Hotel Christopher are gone, I don't know where UN leadership is

2010-01-13 11:19:40
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

the singing and praying is getting more intense..you have to believe!! From what I'm hearing, this is worse than anyone is imagining

2010-01-13 11:18:15
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

singing and prayers are becoming more invigorated

2010-01-13 11:08:18
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

Hotel Christopher and Montana are flattened from an eye witness

2010-01-13 11:06:01
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

Rumors that the Montana has fallen

2010-01-13 11:04:05
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