Games For Change Festival 2012

ニューヨークで6月18日から6月20日まで開催された Games For Change Festivalの様子です。 'Reality is Broken'の著者 Jane Macgonigalさんも中心となって開催されています。
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5 ・・ 28 次へ
Games for Change @G4C

"Think about the value added by all this technology [games]" Michael Shirley, NEH #g4c12 #g4ckimmel ~yk

2012-06-19 01:33:42
Games for Change @G4C

Great game name or greatest game name? NEH-funded Desperate Fishwives teaches kids re: 17th century English life. #g4ckimmel #g4c12 ~JS

2012-06-19 01:37:41
Games for Change @G4C

Networking lunch on the 3rd floor! Meet the funders, grantors, share knowledge and resources. #g4c12 #g4ckimmel ~yk

2012-06-19 01:38:56
Games for Change @G4C

Alex Games opens the floor up to questions #g4c12 #g4cAMD ~jy

2012-06-19 01:41:58
Games for Change @G4C

Kodu gives kids agency. It’s amazing how instantly adaptable that sense of agency is. #g4c12 #g4cAMD ~jy

2012-06-19 01:43:48
Games for Change @G4C

Kodu is available for Xbox 360, part of the Indie Games channel. (Although unable to share games between PC and Xbox) -Alex Games #g4c12 ~jy

2012-06-19 01:46:59
Games for Change @G4C

Student from Pittsburgh asks how to get involved in game design for high school students. #kidslovethis #g4c12 #g4cAMD ~jy

2012-06-19 01:51:09
Games for Change @G4C

Alex Games recommends @CarnegieMellon game design workshops for those in that area. #g4c12 #g4cAMD ~jy

2012-06-19 01:51:42
Games for Change @G4C

AMD Kodu Workshop wraps up in #g4cAMD. Great morning packed with awesome learning. #g4c12 ~jy

2012-06-19 01:53:44
Games for Change ANZ @G4C_ANZ

The first tweet, they say, changes the game: say hello to Games for Change Australia-New Zealand, everyone! CU at #g4c12 @marigo @playbe

2012-06-19 02:32:50
Games for Change @G4C

Coming Up: "There's A Badge for That" with Jim Diamond, David Langendoen, and Leah Potter. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:36:56
Games for Change @G4C

Iterative design was central to the process of game design for the badges in "Mission US." #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @DLangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:40:08
Games for Change @G4C

"We're trying to understand how teachers use games and what they need them for"- Jim Diamond #g4c12 #g4ckimmel ~SF

2012-06-19 02:42:08
Games for Change @G4C

Jim Diamond at #g4c12 says game design was both teacher and student focused. #g4ckimmel ~HL

2012-06-19 02:43:36
Games for Change @G4C

Most game designers think 'is there a point system' but that is problematic points are not always better #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:46:27
Games for Change @G4C

Mission US used slavery to give students an opportunity to look at agency in a constrained circumstance. - Leah Potter #G4C12 #G4CKimmel ~HL

2012-06-19 02:51:24
Games for Change @G4C

.@Dlangendoen finds that giving kids something to relate to on each side helps break preconceived ideas about history #g4c12 #g4ckimmel ~SF

2012-06-19 02:53:12
Games for Change @G4C

To make games feel genuine and real, you have to make games engaging. e.g. slave perspectives. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:53:29
Games for Change @G4C

The "Resistance Badge" was used to help teach the consequences of taking certain actions. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:54:31
Games for Change @G4C

"[badges] communicate to the player what they're doing... they represent [the player's] different choices"- @danlangendoen #g4c12 #g4ckimmel

2012-06-19 02:56:09
Games for Change @G4C

Even the most transgressive gamers (12-year-old boys) take the actions they think they are expected to. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:56:12
Games for Change @G4C

Earning badges had to have real in-game impact in order to make the game real. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 02:56:49
Games for Change @G4C

Badges let us tie cause and effect of taking certain actions to some end result. #G4C12 #G4CKimmel ~HL

2012-06-19 03:01:48
Games for Change @G4C

Reward systems you put into the game subtly or not-so-subtly influence actions; awards should align with game's goal #G4C12 @dlangendoen ~HL

2012-06-19 03:03:45
Games for Change @G4C

"The player I make, the actions I take, and the cause and effect badges I earn tie the game together" @dlangendoen #g4c12 #g4ckimmel ~SF

2012-06-19 03:03:58
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5 ・・ 28 次へ