
自分のTLに表示されていたツイートの一部のログ(あとで振り返るために)。 以下、前半は事故調報告書、後半は河野太郎議員のお話。 国会事故調>報告書: 続きを読む
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 ・・ 10 次へ
葵 (猫、見つかりました!) @marysha_F

(´;ω;`) やだ、ほんとに涙出てきた。。。 @nakano: 「原発の地元は『日本』です。福島の人、今まで押しつけてごめんなさい。福井の人、一緒にがんばって停めましょう。」といったような意味のプラカードを作りたい。

2012-07-05 18:30:32
david pilling @davidpilling

Anti-nuclear protests gather pace in Japan - no more "ticking time bombs" says demo organiser. (free content) Check out http://t.co/sOgBDCaC

2012-07-05 18:33:26


2012-07-05 18:35:55


2012-07-05 18:37:24
Michael Di Stasio @Luogosano

Kurokawa: "What must be admitted – very painfully – is that this was a disaster 'Made in Japan.'"

2012-07-05 18:39:55
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Kyodo: Baby born to giant panda Shin Shin, 1st to be born at Ueno Zoo in 24 yrs. #Japan

2012-07-05 16:09:31
deepthroat @gloomynews


2012-07-05 18:41:11
RT @RT_com

Fukushima fault: ‘Man-made disaster could have been prevented’ http://t.co/7cEMPQkY

2012-07-05 18:58:54
国会事故調 @jikocho

国会事故調、全委員出席の原発事故調査報告書に関する記者会見、USTREAMで配信中です→ http://t.co/Ilgq43an アクセス集中等で見られない場合は→ http://t.co/0qa03qOB をご利用ください #jikocho

2012-07-05 19:11:50
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

福島第一原発事故の報告書が出たことがトップニュースになっている。 BBC News - Home via kwout http://t.co/CR2YFWht

2012-07-05 19:16:36
New York Times World @nytimesworld

Fukushima Nuclear Crisis a Man-Made Disaster, Report Says http://t.co/08ZMzcN1

2012-07-05 19:09:23
国会事故調 @jikocho

国会事故調、全委員出席の原発事故調査報告書に関する記者会見、USTREAMで配信中です→ http://t.co/Ilgq43an アクセス集中等で見られない場合は→ http://t.co/0qa03qOB をご利用ください #jikocho

2012-07-05 19:11:50
Jeff Terry @nuclear94

Why no external reviewers given that one of the causes cited was conventions of Japanese culture? @HirokoTabuchi: http://t.co/bZXQzSg5

2012-07-05 19:05:14
Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@nuclear94 I believe commission did talk to outside experts - Kurokawa was adamant that shd happen. Comm members all Japanese tho.

2012-07-05 19:08:50
Jeff Terry @nuclear94

@HirokoTabuchi Sad thing is these conclusions are similar to those from Toki-mura in 1999. http://t.co/U5VsJZdl p. 56 Must learn from past.

2012-07-05 19:20:18
Hiroko Tabuchi @HirokoTabuchi

@nuclear94 Interesting (& tragic).. many thanks for the link.

2012-07-05 19:25:22
The New York Times @nytimes

Fukushima Nuclear Crisis a Man-Made Disaster, Report Says http://t.co/nOlfgGNC

2012-07-05 19:32:20
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

Now: @kiyoshikurokawa's report. All who say Fukushima was natural disaster beyond our ability to mitigate: No it wasn't http://t.co/3HoXYiaO

2012-07-05 19:42:00
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

"Across the board, the commission found ignorance and arrogance unforgivable for anyone that deals with nuclear power." @kiyoshikurokawa

2012-07-05 19:44:22
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

"This was a disaster 'Made in Japan.' Its fundamental causes are to be found in the ingrained conventions of Japanese culture..."

2012-07-05 19:46:21
ハッピー @Happy11311


2012-07-05 20:56:13
相沢舞 Mai Aizawa @moririnmonson

【拡散希望します】今夜11:30~ NHK-Eテレで放送される「福島をずっと見ているTV」今回は、震災後、東電福島第一原子力発電所で収束作業に従事している作業員の声に耳を傾けます。 ナレーションを担当しています。 よろしくお願いします。 http://t.co/Ltjdleuy

2012-07-05 20:05:28
St Stev @ststev

So, if all the shit that went down at Fukushima was man made, let's change the system, make safer reactors, and help stop climate change.

2012-07-05 19:46:49
Our Man in Abiko @ourmaninabiko

"...our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to 'sticking with the programme'..." @kiyoshikurokawa

2012-07-05 19:48:08
Michael Di Stasio @Luogosano

@ourmaninabiko @kiyoshikurokawa I hope these profound statements act as a catalyst for change. I expect the powers here to reject/misdirect

2012-07-05 19:57:19
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