
「悲喜劇」とはまさにこのことだと思います。80年代から90年代にかけてイングランド代表でもクラブでも華々しい活躍をみせたポール・ガスコインが、こんなことでニュースになるとは。 詳細は: ポール・ガスコインが、警察と対峙する銃撃犯の元にチキンと釣竿を差し入れようとしてニュースに…… http://nofrills.seesaa.net/article/155970714.html 続きを読む
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Leila Fataar @Leila_Fataar

RT @glenn_rig_out: I genuinely believe Gazza's can of lager, chicken and fishing rod could of worked. < Northerner! :)

2010-07-10 18:42:12
steven prince @chillie63

@glenn_rig_out they could have at least gave him the oppertunity,ya never know it just might have worked...gazza is stil off his tits though

2010-07-10 18:44:42
TomJi @_TomJi_

@emil0r ...if he remembers lol. I just have a funny image of Gazza & "Moaty" fishing on the bank with all these guns pointing on them. ha

2010-07-10 18:45:29
David Quinn @davidquinn

On the other hand, I'm grateful for the mental image of Gazza and Raoul Moat fishing in the dark as armed police look on.

2010-07-10 18:48:15
Kathy Calmejane @katcal

Wow, just catching up on the whole Gazza/Moat debacle. Oh dear...

2010-07-10 18:34:40

just heard Gazza's involvement in the Raoul Moat standoff last night. Utterly tragic

2010-07-10 18:45:55
Mysterious al 🐸 @mysteriousal

@Eelus wish gazza would turn up to mine with booze and a fishing rod. What a dude.

2010-07-10 18:58:23
Richard Blandford @rblandford

Gazza's turned up at my house with a chicken. I'm very confused.

2010-07-10 18:57:42

RT @BorSenoj: Gazza's outside my house with a chicken. I'm going to shoot myself.

2010-07-10 18:36:45
Jamie Parry @JamiePLFC

You've got to love Gazza turning up to help catch a gun wielding maniac with a fishing rod and some chicken, he's a legend!

2010-07-10 18:53:20
Colour-Coded @colourcodedband

Love Gazza, each of us in a slightly different way.

2010-07-10 18:42:44

Former Genius International football, semi-pro negotiator and me: http://tinyurl.com/3ycj94c

2010-07-10 19:03:17
Chris Mann @_chrismann89

To turn up at a crime scene with a chicken, a dressing gown and a fishing rod makes even Doherty's nights out look tame. Remarkable. #Gazza

2010-07-10 19:03:21

@kiramadeira me too, I do hope that wasn't the reason it end so tragically. Afterall, who wouldn't want their picture taken with gazza

2010-07-10 18:53:20
Martin @munquinight

Anyone think Gazza thought he was in the Nike ads, "I can save the situation and be a national hero again!" #raoul

2010-07-10 18:58:24
Justie, JH4C, etc. @JH4C

in the end you have to feel sorry for Raoul Moat; all that tension and drama, only to end up as a footnote in Gazza's history of stupidity.

2010-07-10 18:48:53
Joe Ross Williams @joerosswilliams

@lisafparry Maybe I should go up to Newcastle with some Greggs sausage rolls, a fishing rod and some Irn Bru 'Gazza, it's Joe...!'

2010-07-10 19:00:03
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

[blog updated] ポール・ガスコインが、警察と対峙する銃撃犯の元にチキンと釣竿を差し入れようとしてニュースに……: イングランドで、1週間ほど前から銃を持って逃走していた男が土曜日早朝、警察と6時間の対峙の末、自殺し... http://bit.ly/bqzjBS

2010-07-10 19:51:30
flurry @flurry

「チキンを釣り糸の先っちょに結んで、釣竿でピューンと投げ入れようとした」と思ったら違った。そらそうと泣ける。RT: @nofrills ポール・ガスコインが、警察と対峙する銃撃犯の元にチキンと釣竿を差し入れようとしてニュースに…… | http://bit.ly/bCILGd

2010-07-10 19:44:22
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

その系統のコラもありました。 http://twitpic.com/2403e7 RT @flurry: 「チキンを釣り糸の先っちょに結んで、釣竿でピューンと投げ入れようとした」と思ったら違った。そらそうと泣ける。RT: nofrills Gazzaとチキンと釣竿…

2010-07-10 19:58:16
flurry @flurry

わ。ありがとうございます。チキン届けばよかったのになあ。RT: @nofrills その系統のコラもありました。 http://twitpic.com/2403e7 RT @flurry: 「チキンを釣り糸の……

2010-07-10 20:06:35
Neil Procter @nezproc

Love the gazza attempt to help moat. The fishing rod and the chicken would have done the trick if it wasn't fir those pesky cops

2010-07-10 21:51:59
gillby @gilthomson

gonna lay down my guns n chicken gazza gave me, down by the riverside

2010-07-10 21:57:39
Chloe Wells @chloewells1988

It's been a long journey from #gazza's 1990 tears to offering #Raoul #Moat a fishing rod, chicken & a beer, but they seem somehow connected

2010-07-10 22:42:08
KrissyG @KrissyG1

Two Big Blond Geordies in Fragile Psychological State: Gazza brings Moat chicken | The Sun |News: http://bit.ly/aqB1ON via @addthis

2010-07-10 21:49:33
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