
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Sarò a Roma presto! Sono pronto per l'Italia, ma l'Italia è pronta per Cheeks?

2012-09-30 02:08:49
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Forse dovremmo chiedere al Vaticano?

2012-09-30 02:09:50
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

So... Italian perception of Americans. Clue me in, share your experience. Go!

2012-09-30 05:30:48
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@z_cochrane Will I see you while I'm there? :D It'd be wonderful to meet you!

2012-09-30 05:33:53
francesco The Doctor @z_cochrane

@GoCheeksGo sadly i can't be there... killing deadlines at work :( (i guess thats's why they call them deadlines)

2012-09-30 05:35:53
fighting tiger @fighting_tiger

@GoCheeksGo Romans (inhabitants of Rome) think anyone who isn't an italian is an arrogant asshole

2012-09-30 05:33:22
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@fighting_tiger I should... be extra smiley and polite then?

2012-09-30 05:35:13
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

I'm eating a cheeseburger while I wait for the flight. You know, wanna be true to my roots.

2012-09-30 06:41:47
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Many Romans on the plane have sweaters around their necks. Maybe I should do that... as they do. There's a catchy saying in there somewhere.

2012-09-30 07:19:39
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

My sweater is tied on my hips. Full on Kurt Cobain. I'm giving straight up American Grunge Chic to Roma.

2012-09-30 07:23:33
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Although the kid with shaggy beach hair and a skateboard under his arm has me beat. He's mastered the Seattle-California hybrid. Bastard.

2012-09-30 07:26:16
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Just think, next time I tweet, you'll probably be asleep! Cause chances are you live in the USA. Most people in the world do, right?

2012-09-30 07:30:35
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

I'm imagining Italy is something like Epcot, with helpful Disney employees in costumes pretending to be citizens of imaginary lands!

2012-09-30 07:32:59
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

I mean, the "money" I got at currency exchange is just adorable. It's gotta be like "tickets" for the rides, yeah?

2012-09-30 07:36:28
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Dude. Not even kidding. "That" American guy is exactly who was sitting on the first row of the plane, just after I finished those tweets..

2012-09-30 07:48:18
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

"See, WE live in the Palisades. People in the Palisades are COMPLETELY different than the rest of the people in LA..."

2012-09-30 07:49:36
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

"We're secluded. If you go up the 405 and then take the 10..." LITERALLY SAID THIS VERBATIM -- to some clearly uninterested European woman.

2012-09-30 07:51:45
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

In other news, I have a window seat! With a gorgeous view of the wing. Imma definitely gonna be catching up on some sleep.

2012-09-30 07:56:27