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Richard Seymour @leninology

Eric Hobsbawm, RIP: http://t.co/VtcOi0Ys << hold on tight for the inevitable postmortem denunciations.

2012-10-01 19:25:01
russkaia fantastika @mykazek


2012-10-01 19:26:03
arabist @arabist

Eric Hobsbawm dies, aged 95 | Books | http://t.co/IsEutv7Y: http://t.co/uV7lqzE9 Alexandria-born.

2012-10-01 19:26:12
浅生楽@チーズ担 @Asailuck


2012-10-01 19:29:00
Kyoko Nakanishi @mmktn

Eric Hobsbawm dies, aged 95 http://t.co/9AjRL0b6 @guardianさんから ホブズボウム死す。RIP

2012-10-01 19:29:32
栗田和典 in retreat 🇺🇦 @kkurita

ホブズボームが亡くなったとTLに流れている。数々の著書・編著もそうだが、『歴史家たち』(名古屋大学出版会、1990年)の索引を完徹5日間でひろったことを思いだした。訳書では Visions of History から順番をかえて、ホブズボームが最初にきている。

2012-10-01 19:30:35
舩田クラーセンさやか Sayaka Funada-Classen @sayakafc

@mouri @LRB Jazz Criticだったとは、知らなかったです。一昨日、ホブズボームのRevolutionaries(邦題『革命の時代』)紹介したばかり。

2012-10-01 19:32:14
yung tagore @kshgr_fashanu

Also a great memoir-piece by Hobsbawm concerning his last years in Germany during the rise of Nazism http://t.co/fdtWX9fw

2012-10-01 19:32:30
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

Eric #Hobsbawm, one of Britain's most eminent historians, has died aged 95. Details soon http://t.co/vmPgfCEW

2012-10-01 19:35:01
nofrills🍉文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

訃報。エリック・ホブズボーム死去。95歳。http://t.co/EzUDg69k 昨年の年末、クリスマス休暇に入る直前に、「激動の2011年」をBBCラジオで語っていた。そのときのメモ→ http://t.co/SwCP4Pc0

2012-10-01 19:36:58
The New Statesman @NewStatesman

[Date corrected] In memoriam: Eric Hobsbawm, 1917-2012 http://t.co/KiYFysSh

2012-10-01 19:39:06
Akari @akapius


2012-10-01 19:39:51
London Review of Books @LRB

Eric Hobsbawm: 'Contemporary history is useless unless it allows emotion to be recollected in tranquillity.' http://t.co/Ekj5Kmbn

2012-10-01 19:39:52
Cristian Ferrer Glez @CristianFerrerG

Comunista o laborista, la izquierda debe reivindicar el legado de Eric Hobsbawm

2012-10-01 19:40:34
Ali Rıza Taşkale @alirizataskale

Hobsbawm'un, ilgiyle takip ettigim London Review of Books'ta yayimlanmis tum yazilari suradan okunabilir http://t.co/op90zPyH

2012-10-01 19:40:36
Bertran Cazorla 🟣 @bcr_

Els Estats recents "se han convertido,como mucho,n paraísos fiscales o bases secundarias pra decisores transnacionales" http://t.co/ybW5r7HR

2012-10-01 19:40:36
MIX @mixdevil66

Worth re-reading: Hobsbawm on his time as a jazz reporter for the New Statesman http://t.co/V8ljMBsr

2012-10-01 19:40:36
J Anstruther @thelittlejen

Very sad to hear that Eric Hobsbawm has died.

2012-10-01 19:40:38
Murat Numan @mnuman

Bugün vefat eden Eric Hobsbawm eski kuşak Britanya marksist tarih geleneğinin (E.P.Thompson, E.H.Carr,Dobb, Hilton, Rudé) son üstadıydı.

2012-10-01 19:40:38
Claudio Bezzi @Bezzicante

E' morto Eric Hobsbawm, grande storico marxista http://t.co/ITkoRJ9P

2012-10-01 19:40:39
Brian Creese @BrianCreese

Sad to hear that Eric Hobsbawm, one of the leading historians of the 20th century and a major figure at Birkbeck has died.

2012-10-01 19:40:40
Emi @emialchemy

Gran historiador de la época contemporanea "Muere Hobsbawm, pensador clave de la historia del siglo XX" http://t.co/0vCoHBFB vía @el_pais

2012-10-01 19:40:42
Lucas @_lucaassampaio

Gereba está triste. RIP Eric Hobsbawm

2012-10-01 19:40:44
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