チェルノブイリ外部ひばく:EUR 16541

P. Jacob and I. Likhtarev, Pathway analysis and dose distributions. EUR 16541
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA(2006) http://t.co/w6DfZi7tXs Fig.5.11 ".. performed .. in four villages .. (565 measurements)" http://t.co/d1Hd9o7OYZ

2013-08-16 17:27:59
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Golikov VY (2002) "The 95th percentile of the ratio of individual doses and mean doses in the single settlements ...(cont)"

2013-08-16 17:32:58
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Golikov VY (2002) "(cont).. was found to have a 95% confidence range of 1.12–2.75"

2013-08-16 17:33:53


Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

風化って風で起こるんじゃないんだ。WIKIPEDIA: Weathering ".. through contact with the Earth's atmosphere, biota and waters." http://t.co/dUtmWlGQ

2012-10-03 13:24:34
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen erosion [地質] 浸食 <地表土が自然現象によって削り取られること> 用例 wind erosion 風食作用. 研究社 新英和中辞典より

2012-10-03 13:49:54
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen "weathering" と "erosion" を使い分けないといけないわけか。でも、”erosion" は医学の分野では ”びらん” だよね。一般用語が専門用語化した時に、分野の違いで用法が変わってしまうのは仕方ないのかな。http://t.co/dUtmWlGQ

2012-10-03 13:29:14
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen 誤用の定着(?)。NUREG-1887. RASCAL 3.0.5: Description of Models and Methods. 7-2 ".. decay, ingrowth, and weathering" http://t.co/L8KAAAGD

2012-10-03 13:44:57