ulto お気に入り gov2.0SUMMIT_2nd_DAY (前半がない中途半端なまとめ)

gov2.0SUMMIT  Grand Hyatt Washington Washington,DC September 7-8,2010 http://www.gov2summit.com/gov2010 続きを読む
前へ 1 ・・ 65 66 次へ
Liz Steininger @liz315

@noneck Great to see you. Sorry to give up on the after party - Sing one for me! #g2s

2010-09-09 09:24:44
Bill Redmond @billredmond

RT @thomkearney: Idea If your blog is approved by the PR department then it's not a blog. Tim O'Reilly #g2s

2010-09-09 09:26:47
lovisa @lovisatalk

RT @sradick: $50 to anyone who gets @lostonroute66 & @cheeky_geeky to karaoke to Afternoon Delight in their velvet jackets and tapes it #g2s @lovisatalk

2010-09-09 09:35:58
GovLoop @GovLoop

RT @gov2events: Thanks to everyone who attended Gov 2.0 Summit! You're the reason why we do this. #g2s

2010-09-09 09:37:42
Jon Levin @Jonathan_Levin

Going out in search of the #g2s afterparty!

2010-09-09 09:38:33
鈴木 成典 @suzuyama

RT @arg: 今回のサミットを通じて言えば、まず真顔で民主主義とは何か、Governmentとは何かが熱く語られるし、同時に付随して民主主義教育、政治教育の大切さが、(おそらく多くの日本人からしたら)臆面もなく語られる。この彼我の差は大きい。 #g2s

2010-09-09 09:43:30
石黒猛雄@未来予測 @ulto5

RT @arg: 今回のサミットを通じて言えば、まず真顔で民主主義とは何か、Governmentとは何かが熱く語られるし、同時に付随して民主主義教育、政治教育の大切さが、(おそらく多くの日本人からしたら)臆面もなく語られる。この彼我の差は大きい。 #g2s

2010-09-09 09:45:26
Jeff Smith @jefferyrlsmith

@alextorpey hey man - had to miss out on most of #g2s today - hope you enjoyed it!

2010-09-09 09:54:44
Dan Munz also @ danmunz.bsky.social @dan_munz

@SusannahFox Thanks for setting a place for me at your lunch table list! Great to see you at #g2s

2010-09-09 09:54:52
Stephen Salaka @ssalaka

RT @timoreilly It's a wrap at #g2s but the videos will keep going up on the YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/cYV6Fl

2010-09-09 09:57:29
Michael Kink @mkink

RT @saduros: Wanted: Geeky, wonkish scribe for Mayor. Quick ChuffPO piece on Mayor Daley inspired by Gov. 2.0 http://huff.to/d6RQlp #g2s

2010-09-09 09:58:00
Angelina Munaretto @AngelinaMunaret

#g2s. Looking for the afterparty? We are at Cafe Japonais at P street near Dupont circle. We're doing Karaoke tonight. Join us.

2010-09-09 09:58:02
Loss of Privacy @LossofPrivacy

RT @ACLU_NorCal: ACLU says ECPA (U.S. electronic privacy law) needs a security update! Sign the petition and demand your @dotRights http://bit.ly/afHm19 #g2s

2010-09-09 09:58:12
Dr James P. Howard, II @k3jph

Long two days at #g2s, a lot to work out in the next year.

2010-09-09 09:59:16
Yumiko Yamaguchi @clione

RT @shingoym: 「Gov 2.0とは、民主主義1.0(原点)に立ち返って、テクノロジーの力で民主主義3.0まで一気にバージョンアップしてしまおう」ということ。一連の #g2s を見て思った今日までの結論。

2010-09-09 10:02:24
matt bernius @mattBernius

RT @nickgrossman: "the idea of the expert is fundamentally at odds with the idea of the citizen" -- Elizabeth Coleman #g2s

2010-09-09 10:05:33
이미영, MiYoung Yi, 어슬렁 @netstrolling

RT @timoreilly: Gov 2.0 Summit YouTube video channel: http://bit.ly/cYV6Fl #g2s More videos going up hourly. Sessions and interviews.

2010-09-09 10:07:28
前へ 1 ・・ 65 66 次へ