甲状腺の乳頭がん:小児における特殊な点: Part 2 治療

Andrew J. Bauer and Merrily Poth (2006) Papillary Cancer: Special Aspects in Children in Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management. Second Edition, Edited by Leonard Wartofsky and Douglas Van Nostrand



Papillary Cancer: Special Aspects in Children
Andrew J. Bauer and Merrily Poth
in Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management Second Edition
Edited by Leonard Wartofsky and Douglas Van Nostrand (2006)


As in adults, the initial therapy of childhood thyroid cancer involves surgical resection.

However, the extent of surgery recommended does remain somewhat controversial.

In PTC, which comprises the vast majority of childhood thyroid cancer cases, the general recommendation for surgery includes a near-total or total thyroidectomy, along with the removal of local lymph nodes (1,2,4,5,9,10,24,46–54).
(乳頭がん - 小児甲状腺がんの多くを含む - では、手術に対して一般的に推奨されるのは、甲状腺の亜全摘ないしは全摘であり、これには局在リンパ節の廓清も含まれる)

The safety of this procedure is dependent on the extent of disease found at surgery and the surgeon’s experience. With an inexperienced surgeon, there may be a high morbidity, including hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) damage.

However, if the procedure is performed by a surgeon experienced with this operation in children, there is a low incidence of complications and essentially no mortality (46,47,54a).

Regarding the complications of permanent hypoparathyroidism and RLN damage, a review documents the most recent pediatric thyroid cancer case reports over a period of 40 yr.

It indicated a 0–15% incidence of permanent hypoparathyroidism and a 0–9% incidence of permanent RLN damage (1–3,9,10,24).

One outlier is a report by Brink et al. who reviewed a group of 14 patients with pulmonary metastases, showing 30% and 38% incidences, respectively (4).

The importance of surgical experience is illustrated by the fact that even this study did not find any cases of hypoparathyroidism after 1980 (4).

Analysis of the reports from the mid-1970s to the present show a lower incidence: 0–4% for hypoparathyroidism and 0% for RLN damage (n = 69, combined).

Again, this is likely a reflection of improved surgical techniques and experience (2,24).

Thus, it cannot be overemphasized that thyroid surgery, particularly in children and adolescents, is a procedure that should be performed only by a professional with extensive, successful experience relating to this disease.
(つまり、 甲状腺手術は、特に小児では、次のような手技である事を強調しすぎることができない - この疾患について、広く、成功した経験を持った専門家のみにより行われるべき手技だということだ)

Autotransplantation of a parathyroid is occasionally performed to preserve parathyroid function.

Previous controversy existed regarding the need to remove the contralateral lobe of the thyroid.

Those that advocated a more limited procedure than a near-total or total thyroidectomy argued that it was not worth the additional risk because: (1) the more extreme operation carried a higher risk of complications, and (2) thyroid cancer in children had a good prognosis, and a simple lobectomy was therefore sufficient for the initial operation (55).
(亜全摘や全摘よりも、より限局した術式を擁護する人は、以下の理由により、付加される危険性に値しないと論ずる。理由(1) より拡大した手術は合併症の危険性を高める、理由(2) 小児の甲状腺がんは予後良好で、初回の手術としては葉切除で十分である)

Those in favor of total thyroidectomy base their argument on the observation that up to 65% of pediatric PTC is multifocal (4,8,20,32) and often bilateral (2), with an even higher incidence of multi-centricity in patient’s postradiation exposure.

In the absence of a prospective study, deciding which surgical approach is the most appropriate requires balancing the desire to improve disease-free survival with the risk of surgical complications.

Several other arguments favor the use of more aggressive surgical intervention, the primary one being improved disease-free survival (5,7,9).

A multivariate analysis by Jarzab et al. of 109 children (71% PTC; 29% follicular thyroid cancer) reported on radical surgery. (Radical is designated as total thyroidectomy with central lymph node dissection and bilateral node biopsy with radical-modified dissection if positive nodes were found.)

This type of surgery was the most significant factor in predicting disease-free survival (9).

In this study, children who received less than a “radical” surgery had a 10-fold increase in the relative risk of recurrence (9).

Similar results supporting the utility of radical surgery have been described by both Chow et al. and Landau et al.

A decrease was shown from 38% to 3% in local and from 17% to 0% in distant relapse rates, along with a decline from 60% to 30% in local recurrence rates, respectively (5,7).

In addition to improving disease-free survival, surgical removal of the entire thyroid and any regional disease allows for the most efficient use of adjunctive 131I therapy and improves the sensitivity of WBS for detecting persistent or recurrent disease.

Most would agree that pediatric PTC patients experience long-term survival, but this good prognosis is applicable only with the use of 131I to treat residual or recurrent disease (5,7,9,51,52).

With less than a near-total thyroidectomy, the presence of large amounts of normal thyroid tissue makes the effective use of 131I to eradicate thyroid cancer cells, with their less efficient iodine-uptake mechanism, difficult, if not impossible.

For the same reasons, scanning with 131I to search for the presence of residual or recurrent tumor is impeded by the presence of normal thyroid tissue.

Finally, the use of serum thyroglobulin measurements to search for recurrent or persistent malignant disease is problematic in the presence of normal thyroid tissue.

In summary, despite the obvious potential for increased surgical complications with more extensive surgery in children, the authors believe that either total thyroidectomy or removal of the affected lobe and the isthmus, with a subtotal resection of the contralateral lobe, is the preferred operation for PTC in children and adolescents.

Surgery should also encompass central-compartment dissection with biopsy of all suspicious lymph nodes and extension to unilateral-modified radical neck dissection if positive lymph nodes are found.

Ensuring that this surgery is only performed by surgeons with extensive experience with this procedure in children results in a drastically decreased rate of both minor and major complications.

Currently, at most centers with this standard of practice, the incidence of complications is well below 5%; the most common is mild temporary hypocalcemia (46–52).

The incidence of significant RLN damage (not from compression of the nerve by tumor before surgery) is low, and bilateral damage during surgery is very rare.

Even authors who argue against the routine use of near-total thyroidectomy note excellent results and low rates of problems in initial operations performed by more experienced surgeons (55).