
ニクソン大統領が辞任するに至ったウォータゲート事件の調査報道で活躍したジャーナリスト、バーンスタイン氏が英国カーディフ大学にて講演。 その模様を伝えるつぶやきをまとめました。 Carl Bernstein, who with Bob Woodward uncovered the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in the 1970s, visited JOMEC (Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies) on the afternoon of Friday May 24th. 続きを読む
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Matthew Townsend @MattJTownsend

Q: Subeditors, a dying breed? 'Watergate..grateful for the editing/editors' @CardiffJomec #Bernsteinatjomec

2013-05-24 23:40:10
Laura Stephenson @LauStephenson

Use of "our"/"we" re: #watergate shows this man has no ego. This wasn't about him, this was about doing a job well! #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:40:43
Cardiff University @cardiffuni

“Katherine Graham was absolutely heroic in protecting us.” - #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:40:52
Laura Stephenson @LauStephenson

We seem to have lost that element; loving the job + doing what's right. This should be about public interest, not egos. #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:41:21
Glyn Mottershead @glynmottershead

Wikileaks good but not as important as press makes out. Also needs good sub editors #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:43:38
laura huws @laurahuws

Redacting culture is wildly irresponsible and wikileaks' potential in challening this has not been realised. #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:43:39
Cardiff University @cardiffuni

“I don’t think Wikileaks has changed journalism.It is useful but it has been reckless in failing to redact information.” #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:44:13
Matthew Townsend @MattJTownsend

"Wikileaks needs some subeditors" reckless in not redacting/protecting lives in material @CardiffJomec #Bernsteinatjomec

2013-05-24 23:44:55
🙋🏻‍♀️ k i r s t @kixes

Carl Bernstein calls the British Official Secrets Act ‘nefarious’. Ahem, #Singapore#BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:47:22
Glyn Mottershead @glynmottershead

Talking about AP being targeted by US Govt. outrageous and undermines free press. #BernsteinatJomec http://t.co/zaAnTyLiF8

2013-05-24 23:47:22
🙋🏻‍♀️ k i r s t @kixes

Bernstein: Quoting ‘national security’ as a reason to withhold information is almost always ‘spurious’. #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:48:23
Glyn Mottershead @glynmottershead

US has first amendment while UK has nefarious Official Secrets Act #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:48:50
Cardiff University @cardiffuni

“The fundamental difference between the UK & US press is that the UK has the Official Secrets Act” -#BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:48:51
adam salkeld @adamsalkeld1

#leveson style regulation is inhibiting, stupid ... I could go on #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:50:08
Cardiff University @cardiffuni

“The way to punish law-breaking journalist is with existing statutes.Idea of further regulation is inhibiting & stupid.” #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:51:53
Glyn Mottershead @glynmottershead

I don't understand why there isn't a revolt by journalists over this - there's laws already (Phone hack already criminal) #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:51:55
Hugh Rodger @HDRodger

"You got plenty of laws. Use 'em." Bernstein on why UK doesn't need Leveson. #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:52:22
Laura Stephenson @LauStephenson

Journalism used to be "get there first with the best information" but now it's just "get there first", which is a problem #BernsteinatJomec

2013-05-24 23:53:39
Glyn Mottershead @glynmottershead

"If you are first and wrong you are not first" @sambrook in response to #BernsteinatJomec talking about dangers of rolling news

2013-05-24 23:54:31
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