ICWSM2012 Day 1

Simply aggregated and sorted tweets related to ICWSM12 Day 1. If you'd like to include/remove the list, please feel free to modify it.
Akisato Kimura @_akisato

Project page updated as to #icwsm poster "Creating stories: Social curation of Twitter messages" Demo video coming soon http://t.co/kW4W5INn

2012-06-05 08:01:52
Akisato Kimura @_akisato

Demo video of #icwsm poster "Creating stories: Social curation of Twitter messages". If you'd try please come to poster http://t.co/kyl8Qbqs

2012-06-05 11:13:13
Livehoods @Livehoods

Hey @icwsm! Excited to see you all at 14:30 in the User Profiling and Grouping session, right after lunch! http://t.co/ryGqwNb1 #icwsm

2012-06-05 11:20:03
Derek Ruths @derekruths

This afternoon at #ICWSM presented our paper on inferring gender composition of commuter populations from Twitter data. http://t.co/qkdHVEpA

2012-06-05 11:23:19
Katherine Ognyanova @Ognyanova

Interesting piece on social search posted by @davetown101 - users choose domain-relevant contacts over close ties: http://t.co/c8g5Fp7O #sna

2012-06-05 12:57:54
Scott Counts @scottjcounts

Psyched to geek out on social media analytics for a few days at #icwsm... heading over shortly.

2012-06-05 15:59:25
Hassan @SaroshHRKhan

Big first day at the #icwsm coming up. Quality talks on tap

2012-06-05 16:13:56
ICWSM @icwsm

Enjoy the first day of the main #icwsm conference today. Remember a) think about best paper awards & b) the backchannl: http://t.co/xGM1pYgm

2012-06-05 16:23:04
ICWSM @icwsm

The backchannl is available to Crowdsource some Qs. for those in the room & for those following online. #icwsm http://t.co/xGM1pYgm

2012-06-05 16:27:57
Nathaniel Poor @natpoor

This music is way out of control for anything before 9am. #icwsm

2012-06-05 16:41:01
Dominic Rout @DominicRout

Waiting for the first session of the #icwsm main conference

2012-06-05 16:47:02
vince silenzio, md, mph 🇺🇳🆚🖖🏳️‍🌈 @mudblood

1st a word of welcome, then Andrew Thompson for the morning’s keynote on the history of Google & social media. #icwsm http://t.co/ILRzOIuJ

2012-06-05 16:47:55
Huiji Gao @nini2yoyo

@ICWSM conference site (@ Biomedical Science Institute) http://t.co/iw4V69sv

2012-06-05 16:50:30
vince silenzio, md, mph 🇺🇳🆚🖖🏳️‍🌈 @mudblood

TCD School of Medicine. 300 years and going strong. The future of medicine is Information. #icwsm http://t.co/4QQzYGsB

2012-06-05 16:51:09
Marie Boran @marievonboran

Opening speech by @johnbreslin for #icwsm which is in its 6th year, 330 attendees this year! #oopstypoinlasttweet

2012-06-05 16:53:06
Julia Gillen @JuliaGillen

glad to be at #icwsm after excellent day with #SocMedVis insight the key aim of data visualizations but don't forget aesthetics

2012-06-05 16:53:36
vince silenzio, md, mph 🇺🇳🆚🖖🏳️‍🌈 @mudblood

1st a word of welcome, then Andrew TOMKINS for the morning’s keynote on the history of Google & social media. #icwsm #LearnToSpellVince !

2012-06-05 16:56:24
Marie Boran @marievonboran

.@johnbreslin thanks all those who helped organise #icwsm complete w/ Lego versions of them in background! http://t.co/GIBBmuYv

2012-06-05 16:56:53
Katrin Weller @kwelle

@johnbreslin outlines some topics we'll hear during #icwsm - all nicely illustrated with lego scenes #ilike

2012-06-05 17:02:22
vince silenzio, md, mph 🇺🇳🆚🖖🏳️‍🌈 @mudblood

Our paper this afternoon just got randomly highlighted during @johnbreslin ’s opening. I look good as a Lego Medic! #icwsm #modelingdisease

2012-06-05 17:03:53
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