ツイッターパーティ、Husbands S3予告編を契機に

Husbands S3の予告編の解禁 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/23/husbands-third-season-cw-seed_n_3640420.html からの久々のブラッドのツイッターパーティ。 (予告は米国以外からは見られないけれども・・・)
Linda M @filmgeek12

@GoCheeksGo Loved the trailer, and looking forward to watching the new season. :) How many episodes will there be in S3?

2013-07-24 09:02:59
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@filmgeek12 Six. Two stories, three episodes each.

2013-07-24 09:10:17
Dammit Dan @HeyDanKurtz

@GoCheeksGo Perfect. A full blown in invasion of North Americastan.

2013-07-24 09:02:24
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@DVK33 Americastan is exactly what we'll have if we don't stop the tearrists and they win the War on Christmas!

2013-07-24 09:11:27
ZiaMP @Ziamp

@GoCheeksGo "The course of true love never did run smooth..." William Shakespeare and oh, and @TeamHusbands season 3?

2013-07-24 08:59:48
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@tkfaf @hatorl Go for it. Only takes 40 minutes. Plus, laughter promotes longer life. So, it's actually medically sound advice, too.

2013-07-24 09:14:05
Kathy @kcbban

@GoCheeksGo Awwww... cool. Sagittarius. Why?

2013-07-24 08:58:09
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@kcbban Damn! My memory fails. Just thought I remembered that about you. But yes, I still have the envelope too, with all the cool stamps.

2013-07-24 09:16:42
k.klengar @odoim_ongraol

@GoCheeksGo @SayHeyGinger @TeamHusbands @_Hey_Brittany_ absolutely a drinking game requiring players to be in their undies ;) lol

2013-07-24 09:17:02
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@Kidrow79 @SayHeyGinger @TeamHusbands @_Hey_Brittany_ Better yet, one that slowly evolves into players in their undies.

2013-07-24 09:18:36
ZiaMP @Ziamp

@GoCheeksGo @huffpostgay lolol *FAIL* (ok... I'm really tired and that was a stupid grammatical error.... sorry)

2013-07-24 09:20:57
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@Ziamp @huffpostgay It happens! Just couldn't resist the wordplay. xo

2013-07-24 09:22:05
Kathy @kcbban

@GoCheeksGo That's so sweet (and was so long ago haha). I'm proud of you for what you've done since then. Take care. You've made my day. <3

2013-07-24 09:20:55
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@tkfaf @hatorl Here. Consider this my prescription. Now, go! Heal!

2013-07-24 09:22:50
MusicTramp💚 @MusicTramp

@GoCheeksGo I was trying to explain you to a friend who is totally detached from anything fun and exciting. I know I failed. #indescribable

2013-07-24 09:30:19
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@musictramp Hmm. Sounds like a terminal drag. Maybe... show em some Husbands. Let me know if the situation improves.

2013-07-24 09:32:26
TerBear @TerBear14

@GoCheeksGo being on the CW website will certainly get #husbands more exposure.

2013-07-24 09:27:50
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@TerBear14 Exposed Husbands? Sounds like a different kind of website...

2013-07-24 09:33:00