

先日英国の労働党党大会で、党首に選出されたエド・ミリバンド(40歳)が、党首として初めて行なうスピーチの様子。 スピーチ全文(何でも、専門のスピーチライターではなく本人が書いたらしいです。だからちょっと間が持たない場面もあった): http://www.labourlist.org/the-new-generation-ed-milibands-leadership-speech 続きを読む
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Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

"We believe in community, solidarity and belonging" - heh, excellent. Nod to social conservatives.

2010-09-28 23:04:58
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

This is a very wide ranging speech. Not sure what the big theme will be, though I'm sure most focus will be on attacking Tories on economy

2010-09-28 23:06:03
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

EM Family plays important role in building a good society

2010-09-28 23:06:14
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

EM - we must protect liberties hard fought and hard won

2010-09-28 23:08:27
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Now a nod to his instinct on being liberal on civil liberties. Attacks 90 days, but defends CCTV, DNA testing.

2010-09-28 23:08:31
Laura Kuenssberg @bbclaurak

He says 'we were wrong' on Iraq - and is applauded by the audience

2010-09-28 23:10:42
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Supports Afghanistan, but says Iraq was "wrong". "We were wrong to take Britain to war"!

2010-09-28 23:10:53
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

EM we were wrong to go to war in Iraq

2010-09-28 23:11:07
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

None of the front-bench clapping when he criticised Iraq. The hall clapped loudly though.

2010-09-28 23:11:33
Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan

Ed M says Iraq war and Gaza flotilla attack both 'wrong'. Finally!

2010-09-28 23:11:58
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Also criticised Israeli settlements, but says he defends its right to exist.

2010-09-28 23:12:18
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

Miliband - Israel must recognise #Palestinian right to statehood #Gaza blockade must be lifted

2010-09-28 23:12:56
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Dunno why he's going into Israel/Palestine now. This should have been more broader. Too many policy positions for me

2010-09-28 23:12:57
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Said he would support AV and a fully elected House of Lords

2010-09-28 23:13:48
Laura Kuenssberg @bbclaurak

Ed Miliband says he will vote yes in AV referendum and calls for elected house of Lords which gets huge cheer

2010-09-28 23:14:34
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Ed Miliband goes big on the environment "biggest challenge our generation faces". "we need to get climate change"

2010-09-28 23:16:27
Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan

Ed M says he won't attack coalition from the right on crime and terrorism - finally!

2010-09-28 23:17:23
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Excellent. Says he will support Coalition when he believed (prisons, crime) and not just attack them for being "soft on terrorism"

2010-09-28 23:18:33
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Takes on the silly 'Forrest gump", Wallace and 'red Ed' crap. Dismisses it.

2010-09-28 23:19:41
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

"A new generation has taken control of Labour. We are the optimists and we will change Britain" - the main line

2010-09-28 23:20:34
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Speech finished, some overall thoughts: Barely attacked Libdems, focused more on Tories. Big on civil liberties, rare for Labour

2010-09-28 23:22:23
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

Ticked all the right-wing boxes as required without going too far. Will annoy some lefties, as is required.

2010-09-28 23:23:25

Wow. Am I wrong in think that? Ed Miliband. I give it to you. You had me listening. No frills and from the heart.

2010-09-28 23:23:51
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