【号外】10月21日 ヒンクリー・ポイント・C建設合意

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Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF CFO says it anticipated Centrica withdrawal 12 months ago. (Wot, only 12 months ago?)

2013-10-21 15:39:08
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF CFO says Hinkley Point is more expensive than Flamanville because of problems with the soil in Somerset. Did I hear that right?!

2013-10-21 15:40:13
Adam Scorer @adam_scorer

Guaranteed price, adjustable upwards, protection from windfall taxes on generation, applicable to sizewell. High price for such low risk

2013-10-21 15:41:10
PoliticsHome @politicshome

.@David_Cameron tells #skynews Hinkley deal "kickstarts again British nuclear industry, provides thousands of jobs & long-term, safe power"

2013-10-21 15:41:16
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF will make a return of about 10% on building new nuclear plant at Hinkley Point, says CFO.

2013-10-21 15:43:25
PoliticsHome @politicshome

.@David_Cameron on nuclear deal: "this is about long-term planning for our economy, for our energy security and for jobs" #skynews

2013-10-21 15:44:04
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF: 65% of project to be debt-financed, benefit from the UK government guarantee. "No completion guarantee" - eh? Not sure what that means

2013-10-21 15:45:46
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking

"Very big day for Britain" as #Hinkley deal will "kick-start" #nuclear industry, says PM David Cameron http://t.co/GqSowHy5WJ

2013-10-21 15:46:00
PoliticsHome @politicshome

.@David_Cameron tells #skynews "we hope Hinkley will be the first of several other nuclear power stations, kickstarting again this industry"

2013-10-21 15:47:56
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF to decide on building Hinkley nuclear in July if it has EU approval, funding etc "As you can see still many important steps ahead of us"

2013-10-21 15:48:37
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

First analyst question: you're trying to claim £14bn plus £2bn but er, that's £16bn. So why is Hinkley £2bn more expensive than Flamanville?

2013-10-21 15:51:38
Thérèse Coffey @theresecoffey

@emilygosden in initial phase of site clearance, found lot of contamination I think due to careless construction of A or B

2013-10-21 15:51:49
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

EDF says actual EPR reactor cost for Hinkley includes savings versus Flamanville. It's just other site-specific costs have pushed it higher

2013-10-21 15:53:40
Mark Johnston @mark_johnston

@emilygosden Flamenville-3 is one unit, Hinkley-C is two units.

2013-10-21 15:55:22
Emily Gosden @emilygosden

Good point @mark_johnston don't think Flamanville reactor cost £14bn, that was implied cost of Hinkley two reactors based on Flamanville one

2013-10-21 15:57:35
Kazumi Watanabe @130watanabe

英国が原発建設で仏EDFと合意へ、福島原発事故以来欧州で初めて | ワールド | Reuters http://t.co/iuxGsc4irN

2013-10-21 16:01:15
リンク t.co 英国が原発建設で仏EDFと合意へ、福島原発事故以来欧州で初めて | ワールド | Reuters [ロンドン/パリ 20日 ロイター] - 英国は新たな原子力発電所の建設に向け、近くフランス電力公社(EDF)<EDF.PA>と合意書を取り交わす。福島第1原発の事故で世界的に原発の安全性への懸念が高まっているが、欧州では同事故以来初の原発建設となる。 21日発表される合意によると、EDFが中国企業を含む企業連合(コンソーシアム)を主導し、仏アレバ<AREVA.PA>が設計
リンク BBC News Nuclear power mapped
Kazumi Watanabe @130watanabe

BBC News - Is it a good idea to allow China a stake in UK nuclear? http://t.co/ErfTSLFAZe

2013-10-21 16:03:12
リンク Telegraph.co.uk Hinkley Point deal 'opens flood gates' for more investment in nuclear - Telegraph Deal for first nuclear plant in a generation will attract more providers to Britain, say industry experts, as Government agrees strike price for Hinkley Point
Mark Johnston @mark_johnston

UK govt confirms Hinkley aid plan subject to EU prior scrutiny & clearance under internal market & competition laws https://t.co/eGVgOdAQL2

2013-10-21 16:08:24
リンク t.co Initial agreement reached on new nuclear power station at Hinkley - Press releases - GOV.UK The UK Government and EDF Group have reached commercial agreement on the key terms of a proposed investment contract for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in Somerset.
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