
最近Gmailが重いようなので、重いと感じている人のつぶやきを集めてみました。 Googleの中の人に少しでも声が届いて改善に繋がれば幸いです。
前へ 1 ・・ 7 8 次へ
Send A Raven @sendaravenco

Why is my @gmail so slow today? It takes me around 10 seconds to search for an email... :(

2010-10-20 05:34:14

Gmail seems to be moving very slow today.

2010-10-20 05:43:27
Annalie Killian @maverickwoman

@Optus can you pls check my internet connection. Its dropped really slow. Even Gmail cant load and impossible to watch video?

2010-10-20 06:16:43

gmail is so slow for me since the release of priority inbox...sigh

2010-10-20 06:29:03
Jess M @twilsessed

Is gmail slow for any one else today, or am i just extremely unpopular lately? lol haven't even gotten facebook emails... weird?

2010-10-20 07:37:02


2010-10-20 16:28:59
Newton @newtonmailapp

@hellodisco @thilina @jonk @sjelfull @johanbakken Gmail SLOW? Try for SUPERFAST search in Gmail, lets know what you think

2010-10-20 16:48:54
渡瀬☀IT戦略家 @benten007

おつかれーす!朝方は、ちょいちょい重いっす!RT @ykhonda: おはようございます☆ 同じく朝メール仕事、、うちのほう、今朝は軽いですよ~って、場所によらんやろーけど、、RT @benten007: おはよーございます!朝のメール処理。Gmail重し((+_+))

2010-10-20 16:50:42
はるまき @supoty


2010-10-20 21:35:51
annie @JeSuisAnnie

is everyone else's gmail slow?

2010-10-20 22:10:03


2010-10-20 22:19:07
Niki Meredith @nikimere

Anyone else finding Gmail really slow the last couple of days?

2010-10-20 23:07:21

is #GMAIL being slow for anyone else?

2010-10-20 23:27:37
Melissa Mitchell @SippyCupMom

Gmail is moving sooooo slow. Anyone else having issues?

2010-10-20 23:36:33
Phil Burrows @peburrows

gmail can be so frustratingly slow sometimes.

2010-10-20 23:52:45
Takuya Nakadai @tac_n

Accessing to is too slow. What interrupts to access?

2010-10-21 00:10:39
mat2uken @mat2uken


2010-10-21 00:17:56
shamil @Shamil_Jay

waiting tilll gmail loads ... damn slow today

2010-10-21 00:52:21
Dominik Dorn @domdorn

is it just my computer or is #GMAIL / #GoogleApps-Mail very slow the last few days?

2010-10-21 02:12:43
Adam Tracey @AdamTracey

Gmail's been running slowly for me for the past couple of days. Anyone else? I have a lot of Labs features on; would that slow it down?

2010-10-21 02:13:50
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