
最近Gmailが重いようなので、重いと感じている人のつぶやきを集めてみました。 Googleの中の人に少しでも声が届いて改善に繋がれば幸いです。
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kentarou sumi@愛知 @ks1234_1234

あれー Googleカレンダーが重い、Gmailに繋がらない。1つに頼ってると、こういうとき困るな。もっともGoogleさんは復旧も早いけど。てか自分とこのADSLルーティングがおかしい可能性もあるけど。

2010-10-19 11:21:45
Dustin (BusySignal) @DustinFinn

@ded It's a little slow but GMail is working for me...

2010-10-19 11:22:37
dr sugy @sugyroxdemsox

does anyone else have really slow gmail?

2010-10-19 16:12:54
leafy @leafy7382

wtf is wrong with Gmail? why is it so slow?

2010-10-19 22:11:00
leafy @leafy7382

wtf is wrong with Gmail? why is it so slow?

2010-10-19 22:11:00


2010-10-19 22:36:31

@roadhacker Gmail's not slow, you're just caffeinated to such a high level that everything seems slow :) #superpowers

2010-10-19 22:49:27

Is it just me or is Gmail exceptionally slow today?

2010-10-19 23:01:12

Is it just me or is Gmail exceptionally slow today?

2010-10-19 23:01:12
Mirko Froehlich @digitalhobbit

Gmail has been slow as molasses lately. I really hope they get this back under control soon.

2010-10-19 23:10:32
Brady Bonnette @BradyBonnette

Is it just me, or has Gmail been really slow?

2010-10-20 00:40:03
Helena Bouchez @helenabouchez

Dear #Gmail, It is really not a good time for you to be incredibly slow. Please go back to normal now. Love, H

2010-10-20 01:20:45
Eu tinha um sonho, mas comi @tleiser

RT @helenabouchez: Dear #Gmail, It is really not a good time for you to be incredibly slow. Please go back to normal now. Love, H

2010-10-20 01:40:31


2010-10-20 01:46:51
@たく@ @uhawwwokkwwwww


2010-10-20 02:03:46
Arkid @ArchieIndian

RT @cldmgc: Gmail is extremely slow today

2010-10-20 02:46:42
B @megha_verma

RT @cldmgc: Gmail is extremely slow today

2010-10-20 02:53:17
लालू प्रसाद यादव @HamraBihar

@cldmgc Hamre Bihar vama to sab ee phast hai! GujaratMail and so! RT - Gmail is extremely slow today

2010-10-20 03:07:14
j e @jemerick

Is it just me or has gmail been really slow at sending and loading emails?

2010-10-20 03:46:06
Thilina Gunarathne @thilina

Mail search in my Gmail inbox is dog-slow today :(..

2010-10-20 04:22:10
Ben Hilburn @bhilburn

@jemerick Yup, GMail has been super slow lately. It makes me sad =(

2010-10-20 04:25:50
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