
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Woolas#Election_Court_Case 下記のtweetの5日20時台からあとのものが、 http://bit.ly/aSv6p9 のCover It Liveの画面内で展開していくさまは、圧巻でした。純粋に、感動的でした。(Cover It Liveの画面でいろいろ展開するのは、北アイルランドの政党の党大会やMEP選挙などで何度か見てはいるのですが、今回、BBCもSkyもガーディアンも現場から伝えていなかったとのこともあり、これほど臨場感を感じたのは初めてです。)
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maria @cookingforgirls

Woolas judgement due out today. I really hope it finds against him. Then maybe we'll get a decent labour candidate.

2010-11-05 18:19:22
captain disco @captaindisco

Allegations against Phil Woolas & the evidence prevented with them make me ashamed to think he is a member of the Labour Party.

2010-11-05 18:36:26
Kat Middleton @KatMiddleton

If not, it gives candidates permission to behave abominably. RT @SteveMiddleton: Hope Phil Woolas gets comeuppance #oldhamandsaddleworth

2010-11-05 18:42:16
Smarkets @smarkets

Phil Woolas verdict expected this morning. Punters think another election is likely: http://bit.ly/ac3slu

2010-11-05 18:54:44
Ed West @edwest

Apart from Phil Woolas, does anybody have examples of other Labour election leaflets that look like the BNP's?

2010-11-05 19:01:56

Elwyn Watkins arrives in Uppermill, joined by Lib Dem Deputy Leader Simon Hughes for the Phil Woolas verdict

2010-11-05 19:02:35
About Manchester @AboutMcr

NEW: Woolas election campaign verdict imminent http://bit.ly/cUZ6tx Guest post by @saddleworthnews

2010-11-05 19:06:16
Joe Caluori @JoeCaluori

Given Phil Woolas's seat is a Lab Lib marginal, I don't think the Oldham Labour Party will be sweating the courts verdict today too much.

2010-11-05 19:08:20
Caron Lindsay 🔶 🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 @caronmlindsay

Twenty minutes to the Phil Woolas result. I wait with interest.......

2010-11-05 19:10:42
@hypnotic@mathstodon.xyz @hypnotic

If Woolas doesn't get unseated today, it will be a sad day for British elections.

2010-11-05 19:13:19
Urban Haze @urbanhaze

Veiled, Uppermill is busy today. Suspect Woolas may be responsible for the chaos! http://twitpic.com/341rxk

2010-11-05 19:13:42

RT @NickHS: @OldHoborn If Woolas is thrown out (and he should be) it will make a horrible year more bearable. I might even smile.

2010-11-05 19:17:21
Saddleworth Life.com @saddleworthlife

Standing outside the civic hall. Both woolas and watkins are already inside awaiting the verdict.

2010-11-05 19:26:55
DarrellGoodliffe @DarrellGoodliff

I make no apology for wanting Woolas to be found guilty, if he is then the Party should suspend him immediately

2010-11-05 19:30:08

Wonder what #Lab will do if #Woolas was found guilty a) rally around him and explain or b) distance themselves for him?

2010-11-05 19:30:45
Martin Beckford @martinbeckford

Over the moors.. Up at 5am to reach Oldham for judgment in Phil Woolas case, which could see the former minister thrown out of Commons

2010-11-05 19:34:47
Martin Beckford @martinbeckford

Woolas just arrived at Uppermill town hall. Simon Hughes also here. Ruling expected at 11am but could take 2hrs apparently

2010-11-05 19:36:14
Scott Brown @Scottie_Brown

Looking for the Phil Woolas court case result. Looks like he has a case to answer but I doubt he'll be found guilty.

2010-11-05 19:43:01

Still flabbergasted by the decision by the Labour party to appoint #Woolas to the Shadow Cabinet, despite everything he's done.

2010-11-05 19:44:07
Damon Green @damongreenITV

The briefing note I have on the Woolas case was written by the Lib Dems. I reckon I will just wait for the judgment, if that's OK

2010-11-05 19:47:27

#Woolas is my MP I voted for him for what he is...hes a quality top guy....better than that Idiot Watkins who came knocking on my door

2010-11-05 19:48:43
Saddleworth Life.com @saddleworthlife

The judges have arrived just in time. Verdict in the woolas case expected shortly. May take two hours to read out though!

2010-11-05 19:50:03
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