
BBC Newsのストについては: http://togetter.com/li/66114 NewsnightはBBC 2で平日夜に放送しているニュース解説番組。内容の濃さ(調査報道が主体)で知られる番組で、これまで一度も放送を休んだことはないようです。しかし今回のストで初めて中止になり、代わりに放映されたのが……さすがBBC 2(モンティ・パイソンで有名)、すごいセンス。(^^;) 続きを読む
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. @mattsando

@alandavies1 Nonsense. You just want Saturday morning off work.

2010-11-05 23:22:22
Alan Davies @alandavies1

Despite the odd hilarious nutjob over 90% of tweets to me are supportive of not crossing the picket line #bbcstrike

2010-11-05 23:21:27
Alan Davies @alandavies1

Lovely day annoying twitter's right.Won't cross the picket line but will be doing shows for Danny when there's no strike

2010-11-06 09:03:20

Love it that Newsnight's economics editor, Paul Mason, has been manning the picket line. #nuj #bbcstrike #goPaul :)

2010-11-06 09:09:06
. @WelshToy

.@SallyBercow perhaps Newsnight's economics editor could refund the millions of bbc licence payers for the lack of newsnight? #sackemall

2010-11-06 09:11:42
Ged Robinson @GedRobinson

I've always thought Paul Mason was the best thing on #Newsnight now it is confirmed http://bit.ly/d4V8Ur

2010-11-06 09:16:04
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-11-06 17:12:59

Damian Green tells Newsnight that new language tests will reduce migration | Migrants' Rights Netw.. http://bit.ly/bR3LOx

2010-11-05 21:36:58
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