10 Nov 2010 ARL/SSP Seminar "Partnering to Publish"

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MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide


2010-11-11 00:40:58
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

Vivian Siegel, founding E.D. of PLoS speaking now on working with authors. #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:44:49
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

第2部の開始。Vivian Siegel, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 医学部のCenter for Science Communication にいる。 #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:49:14
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Vivian Siegel: Center for Science Comm - helping authors publishing better papers in better journals. http://bit.ly/bCzjPb #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:51:58

advice to authors: Write your paper strategically #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:54:03

anticipate your audience and your reviewers: can you tell a story? #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:54:57
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

教員とのコミュニケーション、WS、1対1の相談で、「良いペーパーの書き方」的なものをアドバイス。レビュワーの要求を予測して、とか、データを過不足なく、とか #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:56:04

consider the scientists as well as outsiders (non-scientists) who may read your work #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:56:31
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

Editors need to know :What's new and why should I care? Authors need to be able to answer this. #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:57:03

Seigel's advice is valid for all disciplines, not just science #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:57:47
CⓐmeronNeylon @CameronNeylon

Oh man. #arlssp #nfais #rluk10 conference hashtag collision in full flow!

2010-11-11 01:00:04
Mark Newton @libmark

Siegel's advice to scholarly writers is a nice reverse roadmap for editors vetting articles #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:01:10
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

ジャーナル投稿のプロセスや注意点を逐一説明してくれているところ。おちた論文を別の雑誌に投稿するとかも。戦略的にやって自分(研究者)の評判を自分でつくろうとか #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:02:36
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

Great work by Vivian Seigel, but it makes me wonder where higher ed is failing in teacher grad students how to write papers. #arlssp.

2010-11-11 01:06:33
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

2人目、Cindy Clark (NIH Library Writing Center Team Leader) #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:08:28
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Seigel's work is useful resource of libs in support of new OA editors. I'd love these resources for our grad student editors. #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:08:50
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

このコマは医学系中心で、図書館員が研究者に論文ライティングとかのサポートをするという新しい役割がある、というアプローチらしい。 #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:09:24
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

論文や資料の探し方、書き方などエキスパート度合いにあわせて3段階ぐらいに担当が分かれてて、研究者からの質問は様々で多い。PDFどうやって開く、から、NIHのOAMandateについてどうやって自分の論文をアップするか、まで(これも日本と似てそう) #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:20:44

Clark gives advice for authors w/ identifying sources, tech tools and contacts. #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:21:59
Mark Newton @libmark

Clark: Advice to libs, "Don't promise more than you can deliver and don't go beyond the skill sets of your staff" #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:23:44

copyright/rights management another valuable service libraries can provide to authors #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:27:28
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

3人目 Rebecca Kennison As Director of Columbia University's Center for Digital Research and Scholarship (CDRS) #arlssp

2010-11-11 01:34:27
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