10 Nov 2010 ARL/SSP Seminar "Partnering to Publish"

Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

At SSP's workshop Innovative Roles for Societies, Institutions, Presses and Libraries mtg #arlssp

2010-11-10 22:57:25
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

J. Blixrud underscores the importance of "services" in talking about publishing activities by libraries. #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:09:42
Rahim S. Rajan @bleuguy

#arlssp in the ARL's Research Library Publishing Services (2007), libraries were focused on metadata creation, cataloguing, preservation

2010-11-10 23:14:25
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Blixrud: New ARL report "library options for publishing support" out soon. #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:23:55
Mark Newton @libmark

Blixrud: Matchmaking study shows that libs need to build capacity in business planning and marketing to support publishing services #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:25:43
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Blixrud: 2 areas where libs don't have pub skills: biz planning (cost, staffing) and marketing/visibility. Saw this at #spdr10 #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:27:18
Mike Furlough @MikeFurlough

@bonlth Missing skills....What about: copyediting, design, sales....? #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:35:04
Rahim S. Rajan @bleuguy

#arlssp Richard Clement, historian and Dean of libraries at Utah State: # of new university presses peaked in the 1960's

2010-11-10 23:36:18
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

@bonlth I hope we talk about those cost models and business planning issues here #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:36:51
Rahim S. Rajan @bleuguy

#arlssp Clement: # of new university presses has been stagnant since the 1970's.

2010-11-10 23:37:48
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

@surlyF True! Libs have much to learn if this will be our focus going forward. What will we stop doing? @lschiff me, too! #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:42:17
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

Clement painting a very bleak but accurate picture of the resources crisis that university presses and libraries are facing #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:42:26
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Clement: 20% of university presses are now part of the library #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:49:51
Rahim S. Rajan @bleuguy

#arlssp libraries and university presses could integrate, launch deeper collaborations - insourcing. Leverage existing university resources

2010-11-10 23:50:43
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

Clement doesn't address the tenure and promotion challenges w/digital only publications. #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:55:26
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

Now I'm at #arlssp アメリカの大学出版会の状況は厳しいんだなあ。1975年から予算は減る一方といっている。図書館と目的共有、いっそ図書館と組織統合とか、大学の学術研究を支える大きな役割を持つということを明確にしようとか。

2010-11-10 23:55:26
Bonnie Tijerina @bonlth

Clement: cost of publishing will come out of library’s budget “for awhile”. What is getting cut? #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:55:36
Lisa Schiff @lschiff@mastodon.sdf.org @lschiff

GAO can show an $80/$1 ROI--I would love to see their model. #arlssp

2010-11-10 23:58:38
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

いまはアメリカのGAO(=Government Accountability Office)の説明、レポートなどが全てwebsiteから入手可とのこと。GAOは2008DR Meetingで(政府のeリソースフリー入手という話題で)紹介があった記憶が #arlssp

2010-11-11 00:03:46
Rahim S. Rajan @bleuguy

#arlssp Could upress + library also provide a broader set of digital curation services on campus like discipline portals or data stores?

2010-11-11 00:08:21
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide

予算の圧迫、紙媒体での発行部数減とそれにともなう価格の上昇、 Scholarly Monograph 発行の危機、紙しかなかったのを電子出版にしてコストは下がったか?などが話題に。

2010-11-11 00:24:00
MAEDA (Tsuchide), Ikuko @itsuchide


2010-11-11 00:25:59
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