
日本時間12/09-10。なるべく写真ポスト拾うようにしてます。 選挙の中間発表後即暴動(死者今のところ4人確認)、大統領がラジオでスピーチするも火に油。更に選管組織の中の人が「大統領サイドから開票結果操作の圧力がありました」と言いだしたらしくもう大変。人がいないのと暴動危険なので空の便全面欠航続く。 その後、開票集計のやり直しがアナウンスされるも暴動の雰囲気は消えず。カナダ大使館など閉鎖。 また、コレラがバングラデシュの株と一致するという新たな報告がNEJM誌に。 続きを読む
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Saptarshi Ray @Saptarshi_Ray

#Haiti to recount every vote from the election in front of the three main candidates ... I forsee no hassles with that then

2010-12-10 03:57:03
Tanya M. Lemaire @tanou80

There's confusion going around! Even journalists are not sure if Inite is shooting at Martelly's ppl or Inite ppl are the victims! #Haiti

2010-12-10 03:59:24
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 04:00 ----------✄

2010-12-10 04:00:01
HaitiInfoProj @HaitiInfoProj

HIP reporters: Martelly supporters demanding money to pass roadblocks in capital #Haiti

2010-12-10 04:00:42
Tanya M. Lemaire @tanou80

Something is boiling between Inite and Martelly's ppl! A huge fire will erupt, lives will be sacrificed! Keep praying!!! #Haiti

2010-12-10 04:13:32
Gwenn Mangine @gwennmangine

Hugues gives the #cholera speech before handing out flyers and soap at a camp in #Jacmel, #Haiti. http://twitpic.com/3eesxr

2010-12-10 04:15:24
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Haiti to re-count vote in disputed election - AP http://wapo.st/hGM193

2010-12-10 04:19:32
Craig Kielburger @craigkielburger

#Haiti President Preval takes to the radio now. At orphanage with everyone listening to every word.

2010-12-10 04:21:44
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

"re-counted with int'l observers and CEP" RT @BreakingNews: Haiti to re-count vote in disputed election - AP http://wapo.st/hGM193

2010-12-10 04:23:00
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Outside my door. The fire that caused so much ruckus. 5 min later? Motos all back! #Haiti http://twitpic.com/3eeuzt

2010-12-10 04:23:50
Allyn Gaestel @AllynGaestel

Shooting in champs mars 3 said injured 1 said dead. Witnesses say was inite supporter who shot. #haiti

2010-12-10 04:24:12
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2010-12-10 04:24:27
Tanya M. Lemaire @tanou80

Ceant said something wise this morning: "Under what law CEP decides to recount only for 3 candidates,what's up with the rest of them?"#Haiti

2010-12-10 04:29:17
Wyclef Jean @wyclef

I need da World to here This right Now, if the international Community do not intervene, Haiti will go into a CiVil War in 24 Hours!

2010-12-10 04:59:34
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 05:00 ----------✄

2010-12-10 05:00:01
Wyclef Jean @wyclef

American Airline have Canceled Flight to Haiti, Prez Bill Clinton I am Asking you 2 say something ASAP! Da Country of Haiti is going under!

2010-12-10 05:01:34
IonError @IonError

@wyclef Please don't tweet for people to be violent. #Haiti #Elections #Peace

2010-12-10 05:04:41
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Helicopter ahead. Shootings reporting on the Champs Mars. Are we headed for a confrontation? CEP plans to audit tallies #haiti #elections

2010-12-10 05:08:19
Ocean Living @delapour

It's time for the Haitian National Police to be an end to this "my candidate didn't win so I'm going to burn the country" nonsense. #Haiti

2010-12-10 05:14:05
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Roving gangs breaking every window in town. #Haiti petionville

2010-12-10 05:16:49
Nii Ayertey Aryeh @nii_ayertey

Just heard fighting broken out in Cite Soleil bet supporters of Celestine,Martelly and others, shooting & machetes. #Haiti |via @Blacklooks

2010-12-10 05:29:31
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Gang set fire to car. Police came, shot a half dozen times in the air. Put it out themselves with buckets of water. #Haiti

2010-12-10 05:36:35
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Yes! Raining for real now in Petionville. #Haiti

2010-12-10 05:39:20
Fran F @FredoFran

KEP (CEP) we don't need a recount! We need Voter verification!!! Are they alive? Did they vote? And which party did they vote for? #Haiti

2010-12-10 05:41:22
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