ジュリアン・アサンジの主張をめぐる、「科学的ジャーナリズム」の不在とその萌芽(?) #WL_JP

ジュリアン・アサンジに対するスウェーデンでの容疑について、何一つ客観的事実として確立されていないにもかかわらず、「レイプ犯」だの「逆ギレ女」だの「ハニートラップ」だのという言葉で憶測ばかりが語られているだけでなく、保釈後にアサンジ自身が語った「司法当局のおかしなやり口」(BBC Newsnightインタビューなど参照)についても、アサンジの言葉は主流メディアで伝えられているけれども、事実として立証しようという動きが見られない――それにフラストレーションを覚えたベン・ゴールドエイカーさんと、ブロガーや記者のtweetsをまとめました。 続きを読む
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Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@johnb78 @bengoldacre haha, I know. Most of it looks like guff. Dunno if CPS thing true either...

2010-12-18 11:11:44
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal the question of whether a rape took place is never going to be settled with internet chat and journalism

2010-12-18 11:18:01
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre not sure how a journo could check whether rape took place or not tho. Surely that's the job of court, when details come out?

2010-12-18 11:19:09
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal exactly, i dont think journalists shld try to check whether a rape took place, i think it's the job of courts

2010-12-18 11:19:43
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal but the q of whether it's been handled in an unusual way by UK and Swedes seems answerable and yet dismally nobodys written it

2010-12-18 11:18:42
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal which is why i'm a bit sad to see the guardian reporting so many leaked details on that today.

2010-12-18 11:20:09
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre agreed. still not clear whether legal process followed. whole interpol thing stinks to. I shd ask MM where his evidence is

2010-12-18 11:22:18
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal fair. meanwhile the ppl shouting "well they were dodgy girls" and the ppl shouting "rapist" are all as bad as each other.

2010-12-18 11:26:38
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre yes, think that's fair and important. And Gdn should be looking more into that, agreed

2010-12-18 11:35:19
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal but mainly i just wish someone wld look into whether the UK and Swedish authorities have pursued this case in an unusual way

2010-12-18 11:20:38
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal mainly because that's a question on which journalists can usefully come up with clear answers. sadly theyve chosen not to.

2010-12-18 11:22:01
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal michael meacher's conspiracy theory days go back so far he actually stars as himself in "Edge of Darkness". true fact.

2010-12-18 11:24:01
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre hah! yes & he's a bit of a 9/11 troofer too I've heard. I'm not placing too much emphasis on him just wondering if it's legit Q

2010-12-18 11:25:54
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal it's just a dumb thing to speculate on, no good comes of that.

2010-12-18 11:28:06
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal we know it was a complex, ?ugly, and possibly unknowable situation in some bedrooms. i'm more interested in what govt's do.

2010-12-18 11:28:43
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre needs afua hirsch on the case... though she doesn't seem to be very clear on what's going on either

2010-12-18 11:36:05
mattwardman @mattwardman

@sunny_hundal @bengoldacre Given how much trouble courts have deciding about rape, "side issue - leave to the legal process" is best, no?

2010-12-18 11:28:37
mattwardman @mattwardman

@bengoldacre @sunnyhundal Imo this whole things shows value of blogging topic specialists i.e., lawyers.

2010-12-18 11:30:35
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@mattwardman not sure i agree this time. i want a mainstream media org with resources and reputation to do a big piece of work on it, tbh

2010-12-18 11:31:23
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal i'd also welcome a piece: "of the allegations of impropriety about how it's been investigated: x true, y false, z uncheckable"

2010-12-18 11:38:17
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre yes, that's essentially what we need here. tho it depends on how many conspiracies abt impropriety you want to include

2010-12-18 11:42:38
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal just the claims about dodgy process made by assange/his lawyers. seems vreasonable to treblecheck, no idea what outcome wld be

2010-12-18 11:44:48
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal not sure why ppl havent. unwilling to piss assange/stephens off if the answer is "ur claims are all bollocks"? too much work?

2010-12-18 11:45:47
Johann Hari @johannhari101

I'm a strong supporter of wikileaks. But here George Galloway gives us a model of how not to defend them&assange: http://tinyurl.com/35rb78a

2010-12-18 11:55:36
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