ジュリアン・アサンジの主張をめぐる、「科学的ジャーナリズム」の不在とその萌芽(?) #WL_JP

ジュリアン・アサンジに対するスウェーデンでの容疑について、何一つ客観的事実として確立されていないにもかかわらず、「レイプ犯」だの「逆ギレ女」だの「ハニートラップ」だのという言葉で憶測ばかりが語られているだけでなく、保釈後にアサンジ自身が語った「司法当局のおかしなやり口」(BBC Newsnightインタビューなど参照)についても、アサンジの言葉は主流メディアで伝えられているけれども、事実として立証しようという動きが見られない――それにフラストレーションを覚えたベン・ゴールドエイカーさんと、ブロガーや記者のtweetsをまとめました。 続きを読む
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Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 it's vile isn't it. whether a rape happened in a bedroom will clearly not be resolved in newspapers and on the internet.

2010-12-18 11:57:50
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@johannhari101 surely we all stopped listening to Galloway ages ago? He bloody defended Iranian gov on protests!

2010-12-18 11:57:58
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 meanwhile the q of whether the investigation has been conducted weirdly is another matter, and far more checkable

2010-12-18 11:58:13
Johann Hari @johannhari101

@bengoldacre Yes, exactly. Makes you realise how right Nick Davies is in Flat Earth News. Lots of recycling of extreme superficiality.

2010-12-18 12:21:21
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 yes, tho nick davies wrote the big piece in Gn today on what happened in some bedrooms in sweden.

2010-12-18 12:22:54
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 i just, really, really think that stuff won't be well resolved by newspapers or internet chatter.

2010-12-18 12:23:38
Johann Hari @johannhari101

@bengoldacre I'm anxious that there will be women out there who really have been raped by famous men. They will be terrified by all this

2010-12-18 12:27:14
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal however disagreeable his views are - and some of them are ludicrous - his talk radio show was a masterpiece of public rhetoric

2010-12-18 11:58:44
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

George Galloway is no different to a troll, albeit with good oratory skills http://tinyurl.com/35rb78a (via @johannhari101)

2010-12-18 12:14:23
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre have an idea. Why don't we collect all the allegations by assange/lawyer in a post... then crowdsource fact-checking?

2010-12-18 12:15:48
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal ooh that's an awesome idea. except i'm writing a book about big pharma and MUST STOP PROCRASTINATING.

2010-12-18 12:18:45
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal also, the factchecking is serious big reporter stuff, ringing ppl up, treble checking, etc. dunno. cld work.

2010-12-18 12:19:19
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@bengoldacre yeah well, i have to get up early to help close topshop! When did Assange / lawyer make claims? I'll see if I can hunt it down

2010-12-18 12:23:48
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal assange makes a load here http://bbc.in/hRIQV5 sorry the stephens ones are spread all over. wld love to see them factchecked.

2010-12-18 12:25:46
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 absltly, that's why i think loud public speculation about the details of the rape, by people taking either side, is unhelpful

2010-12-18 12:28:54
Johann Hari @johannhari101

@bengoldacre So true. I'm off to vomit out all my internal organs after reading Galloway. See you tomoz xx

2010-12-18 12:30:09
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@johannhari101 public/responsible media speculation shld focus on whether govts have behaved oddly in pursuing charges, not ppl in bedrooms

2010-12-18 12:30:44
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@carlgardner Hi - you've written a lot about Assange. Both @bengoldacre and I want to look at whether UK & Sweden followed letter of law...

2010-12-18 12:44:33
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@carlgardner ... in pursuing JA & fact-check claims by JA & his lawyer. We could list claims & then crowd fact-check on @libcon. Interested?

2010-12-18 12:47:48
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@carlgardner yeah, wot @bengoldacre said. Have you listed any claims made by JA / lawyer on your blog? We could start putting it together?

2010-12-18 12:51:18
Sunny Hundal @sunny_hundal

@carlgardner think a lot of MSM attention would come too, coz they're not doing this despite sore need @bengoldacre

2010-12-18 12:51:49
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal i've followed @carlgardner's stuff, i think we agreed it wld benefit from MSM attention, but hey, carl, we were thinking

2010-12-18 12:46:53
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@carlgardner @sunny_hundal we cld list the allegations of investigator-impropriety made by JA/stephens, and then crowdfactcheck answrs?

2010-12-18 12:48:05
Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

@sunny_hundal there shld be a twitter symbol for linking little fingers when u say the same thing at the same time

2010-12-18 12:49:01
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