「なぜ、Wiredはマニングとラモのやりとりを公表しないのか」(ジャーナリストのダン・ギルマー) #wl_jp

RT @gohsuket: Wiredはマニングとラモのやりとりを全て持ってるはずなのに何故公表しないのかと、ダン・ギルマー@ dangillmor とWiredケビン・ポールセン @ kpoulsen が数時間前から議論。…… http://twitter.com/gohsuket/status/18178924202688513 ……というわけで、ダン・ギルマーとWIREDのケヴィン・ポールセンの議論を、あとから参照できるようにまとめておきます。ポップコーン持ったギャラリーもいます。
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Yes RT @dangillmor "Do Wired and WashPost have some explaining to do re WikiLeaks/Manning? Seems so http://bit.ly/fHpzhR see FDL's timeline"

2010-12-24 08:27:42
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

It still amazes me that both Wired and The Washington Post - *news outlets* - have the full Manning/Lamo chats but won't publish them

2010-12-24 08:47:52
Long Board Surfing Oil Tycoon Dude @ThaLookinGlass

@ggreenwald Did Manning ever mention in these chats that told 1 of his superiors about some of the stuff that he saw like the Helicopter vid

2010-12-24 09:17:53
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@splendidhammer I don't know, because Wired and WashPost will only release snippets of the chat and are concealing the rest

2010-12-24 09:28:13
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@splendidhammer He did talk about how insurgents they had arrested did nothing wrong, but was told to arrest more - see my Manning piece

2010-12-24 09:28:52
kpoulsen @kpoulsen

@dangillmor Absurd. I answered every question he asked me. Anyway, I'm talking to you now. So far, all I'm hearing is that Wired ...

2010-12-24 16:22:08
kpoulsen @kpoulsen

@dangillmor ... has "explaining to do" because you read it on a blog, and because we reported accurately on Manning's arrest.

2010-12-24 16:23:19
Dan Gillmor is at mastodon.social/@dangillmor @dangillmor

@josephmenn asynchronous. apparently it's a twitter time violation to have dinner with friends

2010-12-24 16:32:59
kpoulsen @kpoulsen

@dangillmor I'm going to bed. I look forward to hearing about the "holes" you found in our story once you've had a chance to read it

2010-12-24 17:06:18