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Charleston Shooting

The Hill @thehill

Lindsey Graham remembers #CharlestonShooting suspect: "He was quiet, strange" hill.cm/gf58AgA pic.twitter.com/WNXND3ot2J

2015-06-19 03:16:03
Los Angeles Times @latimes

Fire at Christian church in Israel believed to be latest in a series of hate crimes against non-Jewish targets lat.ms/1L3bxXv

2015-06-19 03:25:28
Pan @pan77111

This is not gun regulation issue, but hate crime. #CharlestonStrong

2015-06-19 03:25:34
William Joy @WilliamJoy

People have been coming nonstop to add to the memorial in front of Emanuel AME Church #chsnews #StandWithCharleston pic.twitter.com/gBBvwODKYu

2015-06-19 11:41:56
#FreeMumia @HalfAtlanta

Crowd growing larger and larger in Atlanta. May be the most allies I've seen at a protest. #StandWithCharleston pic.twitter.com/RtS0TYRldt

2015-06-20 08:18:56
deray @deray

I've been in Charleston since Thursday. I've been in many meetings with young people, organizers. And because of them, I'm hopeful.

2015-06-21 06:36:47
Reuters @Reuters

Racist manifesto linked to Charleston shooting suspect reut.rs/1foYyTU

2015-06-21 09:38:00
The Hill @thehill

Obama: Confederate flag 'belongs in a museum' hill.cm/Maxngn4 pic.twitter.com/TzfetigKBo

2015-06-21 09:46:06
Democracy Now! @democracynow

#CharlestonShooting: AME church played key part in ongoing fight for democracy in USA. Watch: owl.li/OxO8F

2015-06-21 10:00:52
Abby D. Phillip @abbydphillip

Thousands march in Charleston and Columbia to take down Confederate flag washingtonpost.com/news/post-nati…

2015-06-21 11:13:59
The Washington Post @washingtonpost

The college president in Charleston who pushed to keep the Confederate battle flag flying outside the S.C. capitol wapo.st/1GZRJlY

2015-06-21 12:43:07
The Hill @thehill

Carolina Panthers owner gives $100K to Charleston victims' families: hill.cm/I4cq92x pic.twitter.com/yHFuGOelKj

2015-06-21 13:26:09
Pan @pan77111

True"@washingtonpost: "Only white people can save themselves from racism and white supremacism" wapo.st/1FtQWUZ by @baynardwoods"

2015-06-21 13:30:08
Pan @pan77111

#CharlestonShooting it is sunday evening in japan. I prayed for the victims of hate crime.

2015-06-21 13:34:57
Pan @pan77111

Love conquers hate. Not only that , though.

2015-06-21 13:50:00
Occupy Wall Street with a General Strike @OccupyWallStNYC

Check out #StandWithCharleston for beautiful pictures of solidarity actions from around the country last night. pic.twitter.com/pvnBNdIo8p

2015-06-22 21:46:33
Keegan Stephan @KeeganNYC

Second violent arrest at #StandWithCharleston march in NYC right now. They grabbed this guy off his bike. vine.co/v/e5builFUHw2

2015-06-23 10:00:02