#Biggin75 【Battle of Britain】75周年イベント『スピットファイア』や『ハリケーン』が記念飛行!

London Biggin Hill Airport にて
リンク Mail Online Spitfires and Hurricanes mark 75th anniversary of Battle of Britain The aircraft whizzed through the air over Biggin Hill, London, in memory of those who lost their lives throughout the lengthy summer fight to stop the Nazis from invading the British shores.
リンク Wikipedia バトル・オブ・ブリテン バトル・オブ・ブリテン(英: Battle of Britain, 仏: Bataille d'Angleterre)あるいは日本語で英国空中戦(えいこくくうちゅうせん)は、第二次世界大戦におけるドイツ空軍とイギリス空軍の戦いのうちで、ドイツによるイギリス本土上陸作戦の前哨戦としてイギリスの制空権の獲得のために行われた一連の航空戦を指す。戦略目標を達することなく独ソ戦を前にしてヒトラーによって中止された。 ドイツ語ではイングランド航空戦(独: Luftschlacht um England )という。 1

London Biggin Hill Airport インフォメーションアカウント

London Biggin Hill Airport @LBH_Airport

Official account of London Biggin Hill Airport, London's dedicated business aviation airport. A quick and convenient gateway to the heart of the capital.


Biggin75 公式サイト

リンク Biggin 75 Biggin 75


BBC South East @bbcsoutheast

It's now less than a week until #Biggin75 @LBH_Airport. Tune into @bbcsoutheast where we will be covering the action. pic.twitter.com/Pcr9JP3PUr

2015-08-13 03:22:59
Simon Ryan @simonjryan

Remember the few. Our fate could have turned on a sixpence 75 years ago today in the skies over Kent #biggin75 pic.twitter.com/djPIJrUgiB

2015-08-18 14:44:10
Social Advisors @SocialAdvisorUK

Chance for us all to remember the few #biggin75 Keep one eye in the sky over Kent today pic.twitter.com/b1ypVMqSgK

2015-08-18 14:49:55

#biggin75 wish I could be there but hopefully will see something from Paddock Wood / Tonbridge pic.twitter.com/XBosCcNTJX

2015-08-18 16:17:41
Social Advisors @SocialAdvisorUK

Chance for us to remember hardest day of Battle of Britain today #biggin75 Keep an eye on Kent sky today pic.twitter.com/ULVDVQHjkW

2015-08-18 16:52:04
London Biggin Hill Airport @LBH_Airport

The #Biggin75 wing is slowly starting to take shape with aircraft arriving from across the Uk #BofB75 pic.twitter.com/pnYDSPGngR

2015-08-18 17:33:35
London Biggin Hill Airport @LBH_Airport

The @TFCDuxford have arrived giving the early arrivals a taste of the main event later today at #Biggin75 #avgeek pic.twitter.com/R9149BGEkY

2015-08-18 17:57:18
Ed George @edgeorgeonair

@bbcsoutheast live from #Biggin75 today at 1.30 and 6.30....spitfires and hurricanes coming in. Beautiful sight. pic.twitter.com/G3pZ8txmBE

2015-08-18 17:57:28
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