#Wikileaks #wl_jp 2011年1月17日、ロンドン、フロントライン・クラブでの会見:『脱税疑惑、リークなう』

脱税疑惑のスイス口座2000件、告発者がウィキリークスに提供へ 2011年01月17日 20:19  http://www.afpbb.com/article/disaster-accidents-crime/crime/2782556/6654438 これの告発者からウィキリークスへのデータの受け渡しが、ロンドンのフロントライン・クラブで、記者会見つきで行なわれました。その記者会見はUstされました(たぶん録画されててあとから見ることもできるはず)。 続きを読む
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Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Former bank exec Rudolf Elmer being intro'd @frontlineclub - he's due to go on trial Wed accused of breaching Swiss secrecy laws. #wikileaks

2011-01-17 20:24:19
RTÉ News Now @RTENewsNow

Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer hands over new data to #WikiLeaks, watch live from London http://www.rte.ie/live/

2011-01-17 20:24:21
Anna Bosch @annabosch

Rueda de prensa de Rudolf Elmer, filtró prácticas Bcos en paraísos fiscales, tiene juicio en Suiza y hoy entrega + datos a Wikileaks

2011-01-17 20:24:24
Tim Bradshaw @tim

#Wikileaks "representative" is running late. Rudolf Elmer just being introduced now.

2011-01-17 20:24:48
Arjen van der Horst @ArjenVDH

Zwitserse klokkenluider Rudolf Elmer gaat zo spreken. Vertegenwoordiger WikiLeaks is vertraagd, zit vast in Londens verkeer.

2011-01-17 20:27:18
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

#wikileaks no sign of Julian #Assange - presumably still in a Suffolk mansion

2011-01-17 20:28:37
Heather Brooke @newsbrooke

Watching this press conference @frontline club of Julius Baer Bank whistleblower http://bit.ly/11mWNI @wikileaks rep stuck in traffic.

2011-01-17 20:28:54
Piratenpartei Schweiz @ppsde

Whistleblower vor Gericht – die Rudolf-Elmer-Story – Telepolis – http://bit.ly/hT7bIY

2011-01-17 20:29:11
wolfsrebellen @wolfsrebellen

Schweizer Banken: Rudolf Elmer: Der Mann, der Wikileaks füttert http://feedly.com/k/goyEbI

2011-01-17 20:29:42
Duarte Levy @DuarteLevy

WikiLeaks: Rudolf Elmer press conference at Frontline Club in London (LIVE) - http://tinyurl.com/4hk95y8

2011-01-17 20:30:52
Anna Bosch @annabosch

RªPª Rudolf Elmer: Denuncian evasión fiscal. " Mil millones $ /año desaprecen de Túnez. ¿A dónde van?"

2011-01-17 20:31:03
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

WikiLeaks press conf: the time has come for an end to [secret] system, and for real openness, says Jack Blum - Elmer's lawyer. #c4news

2011-01-17 20:31:11
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Rudolf Elmer: I was in the Cayman Islands, there was a mouse tail, I started to pull on it & it became a dragon tail.... #wikileaks #c4news

2011-01-17 20:32:13
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"I began to pull on a tail and it became a dragon" Rudolph Elmer #elmer

2011-01-17 20:32:14
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

Heeeere's Rudy. Rudolph Elmer former employee of Swiss bank Julius Baer. He is the #wikileaks whistleblower

2011-01-17 20:32:15
Stuart Hughes @stuartdhughes

Rudolf Elmer: "I started pulling on the tail of a mouse and it became a fire-breathing dragon." #wikileaks

2011-01-17 20:32:45
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"The real story is that by working in the Cayman Islands I realised something is wrong" Rudolph Elmer #elmer

2011-01-17 20:33:01
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

#wikileaks #Elmer said he realised something was wrong while working for Swiss bank in the Cayman Islands

2011-01-17 20:33:02
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Rudolf Elmer: It got bigger & bigger. It became a fire-breathing dragon. I realised that something is wrong. #wikileaks #c4news

2011-01-17 20:33:02
balkanleaks @balkanleaks

Frontline Club on USTREAM: The Frontline Club is a media club live streaming now! - http://ow.ly/3EZOm

2011-01-17 20:33:15

Rudolf Elmer is now speaking at the Frontline club re tax evasion--> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/frontline-club #Wikileaks #Assange

2011-01-17 20:33:27
Anna Bosch @annabosch

Rudolf Elmer: "cuando trabajaba en las Islas Caimán empecé a tirar de la cola del ratón y se convirtió en un dragón con varias cabezas".

2011-01-17 20:33:50
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"I was put into prison for 30 days for violating Swiss bank secrecy" Rudolph Elmer #elmer

2011-01-17 20:33:53
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