#Wikileaks #wl_jp 2011年1月17日、ロンドン、フロントライン・クラブでの会見:『脱税疑惑、リークなう』

脱税疑惑のスイス口座2000件、告発者がウィキリークスに提供へ 2011年01月17日 20:19  http://www.afpbb.com/article/disaster-accidents-crime/crime/2782556/6654438 これの告発者からウィキリークスへのデータの受け渡しが、ロンドンのフロントライン・クラブで、記者会見つきで行なわれました。その記者会見はUstされました(たぶん録画されててあとから見ることもできるはず)。 続きを読む
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Netzticker @netzticker

Steuersünder zittern vor Wikileaks: Der Schweizer Whistleblower und Ex-Bankdirektor Rudolf Elmer übergibt heute ... http://bit.ly/fEWLrh

2011-01-17 20:33:54

Steuersünder zittern vor Wikileaks: Der Schweizer Whistleblower und Ex-Bankdirektor Rudolf Elmer übergibt heute ... http://bit.ly/gA0mWD

2011-01-17 20:33:54
Netzwoche @netzmedienag

Steuersünder zittern vor Wikileaks: Der Schweizer Whistleblower und Ex-Bankdirektor Rudolf Elmer übergibt heute ... http://bit.ly/fRGI4h

2011-01-17 20:33:54
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

@LSal92 I know you were joking ;-) Didn't want anyone to think Aymen wasn't a good guy to send

2011-01-17 20:33:56
Heather Brooke @newsbrooke

Swiss banking is like a 'fire-breathing dragon with many heads' says whistleblower Rudolph Elmer.

2011-01-17 20:34:07
Chris King 🇺🇦 @DocChrisKing

#frontlineclub #wikileaks Rudolf Elmer was offered money and removal of charges to lose his data on Swiss banks

2011-01-17 20:34:40

Renegade Swiss banker Rudolf Elmer was placed in prison for 30 days for violating swiss banking laws #frontline

2011-01-17 20:35:01
Stuart Hughes @stuartdhughes

@frontlineclub a lovely venue for dinner and a chat but completely unsuitable for a media scrum. #wikileaks

2011-01-17 20:35:23
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"I thought there would be a time that federal law would allow a review of the data but the bank intervened" Rudolph Elmer #elmer

2011-01-17 20:35:33
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

#wikileaks Rudolph Elmer: I tried to approach authorities and press but there was no go. Friend told me there is wikileaks - I made contact

2011-01-17 20:36:06
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

Rudi Elmer giving details of alleged financial misdealings by Swiss banks. #Wikileaks http://yfrog.com/h0calttj

2011-01-17 20:36:15

NetNewsExpress: Elmer will am Mittag eine Bombe platzen lassen: Der ehemalige Schweizer Banker, Rudolf Elmer, wi... http://bit.ly/ejCoY4

2011-01-17 20:36:25
Alexi Mostrous @AlexiMostrous

Rudolph Elmer says #Wikileaks was his "only hope to get society to know what's going on".

2011-01-17 20:36:30
Heather Brooke @newsbrooke

"wikileaks is my only hope to let society know what is going on,' says Rudolf Elmer on banking secrecy/corruption.

2011-01-17 20:36:34
Stuart Hughes @stuartdhughes

Elmer: "Wikileaks the only hope I have to let society know what is going on." #wikileaks

2011-01-17 20:36:41
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Rudolf Elmer, Swiss bank whisteblower, says he was close to giving up on mission to expose alleged financial wrongdoing #wikileaks #c4news

2011-01-17 20:37:11

150 people currently watching it: Rudolf Elmer is speaking at Frontline --> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/frontline-club #Wikileaks #Assange

2011-01-17 20:37:31
Frontline Club @frontlineclub

"I have been there, I know the job, I have done the day to day business. I know how the system works" #elmer

2011-01-17 20:37:49
Anna Bosch @annabosch

Rudolf Elmer tiene un juicio el miércoles por haber violado el secreto bancario en suizo.

2011-01-17 20:37:51
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

#wikileaks Rudolph Elmer I do have to stand up if something is wrong. It's damaging our society the way money is moved around

2011-01-17 20:38:02
Anomacayou @Anomacayou

Rudolf Elmer, ex empleado del banco Bank Julius Baer, con sede en Suiz.... http://bit.ly/gGu6ZP

2011-01-17 20:38:14
Heather Brooke @newsbrooke

"i know how the system works and I'm against it. It's damaging our society and I want to tell people about this system." Rudolf Elmer

2011-01-17 20:38:18
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