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Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

... also we've been watching the probe for these 5 years, and it was indeed hard to keep the tension without data, twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:01:24
鳥嶋 真也 @Kosmograd_Info


2015-12-09 19:17:54
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

... but in the end our efforts has been rewarded with this successful insertion to the orbit. twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:02:34
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info


2015-12-09 19:17:55
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

Nakamura: In addition, I'd say you are the leader and everyone trusted you, and followed you, and that was the key. twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:03:59
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info

Q:当初より長楕円の軌道になったが、スーパーローテーションの研究への影響は 今村:一番大事なのは連続したデータを取ること。今回の軌道でできなくなったかといえばそうではない。観測機器は他の探査機と比べてもトップレベルの性能を持つ。(続く)

2015-12-09 19:25:20
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

Q: What are the impacts to the observation of the super rotation with this rather elliptical orbit than the plan? twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:08:01
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

Imamura: Most important point is to take continuous data. It can be achieved with this orbit. Our instruments are twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:08:42
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info


2015-12-09 19:25:21
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

We know from our simulated clouds that we can deduce the wind vector and distribution. We don't know yet ... twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:12:17
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

... how precisely we can observe with the other wave lengths. It will be a long challenge and I hope you understand. twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:13:35
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info


2015-12-09 19:31:04
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

And that concludes the translation of live tweets by Mr. Torishima from JAXA Press Briefing. twitter.com/Kosmograd_Info…

2015-12-09 23:16:18
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

Thank you for your attention to Akatsuki. The saga will continue. Please send your encouragements to the team.

2015-12-09 23:19:02
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info

@5thstar 翻訳していただき、本当にありがとうございました。誤字脱字や文章になっていない投稿が多々あり、お手数をおかけいたしました。5thstarさんのおかげで、海外の方にも「あかつき」の最新情報や、運用チームの方のお声を伝えることができ、とても嬉しく思います。

2015-12-09 23:50:12
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@Kosmograd_Info こちらこそ本当にありがとうございました。リアルタイムで中継してくれる人がいてこその情報発信です。ライブ感あふれるツイートをありがとうございました!

2015-12-09 23:51:34
鳥嶋 真也🚀🖖Shinya TORISHIMA @Kosmograd_Info

私を含め、多くの方がまだ興奮冷めやらぬ状態だと思いますが、この画像で今回の取材を締めくくりたいと思います。長い時間、お付き合いいただきありがとうございました。また次の取材やイヴェントでお会いいたしましょう。それでは皆さま良い夢を! pic.twitter.com/Mklv9UZK6T

2015-12-10 00:03:43
リンク www.planetary.org Akatsuki's new orbit, first images, and science plans JAXA had a press briefing today to confirm the successful arrival of Akatsuki into Venus orbit. It's been a long time coming: today's announcement came twelve years to the day after Japan had to abandon efforts to put Nozomi into Mars orbit. They released
Emily Lakdawalla @elakdawalla

Enormous thanks to @Kosmograd_Info and @5thstar for press briefing tweets & also @moffmiyazaki @kitamitsunari for photos & illustrations

2015-12-10 09:32:54
Emily Lakdawalla @elakdawalla

I think this is my favorite bit of @Akatsuki_JAXA fan art yet. twitter.com/comori_uta/sta…

2015-12-10 09:50:49
小森雨太 @comori_uta

改めて!おめでとうございます…!! 職場(※定時後)で思わず拍手してました。これからもご安全に…! #あかつき応援 pic.twitter.com/UnGnfqklyl

2015-12-09 23:18:46
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

米国惑星協会のエミリィさんが昨日のあかつきの記者会見をブログ記事にしてくれました! twitter.com/elakdawalla/st…

2015-12-10 12:00:43
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