レトロゲーム好きの心を熱くするソフトウェア 初心者からプロまでゲーム制作を楽しめる“空想上のゲーム機”『PICO–8』

ᴵᴸᴷᵏᵉ @iLkKke

How the 3d car in my previous tweet works: each 8x8x slice is rotated then scaled on one axis #pico8 #pixelart pic.twitter.com/qTpcCRjL4M

2016-07-03 09:12:51
Paul O'Leary McCann @polm23

いつの間にかだるまバトルゲームと化してしまった。 #pico8 pic.twitter.com/RuJX7vmgpk

2016-06-19 22:49:34
Laurent Victorino (@lvictorino on bsky) @on_code

My first take on #pico8... I already love this tiny thing so I need to find the right mini project for it. #gamedev pic.twitter.com/duw4XEI25I

2016-06-20 06:26:23
Jakub Wasilewski @krajzeg

Looking for a #pico8 #chiptune musician to collaborate on the Lair (pictured). Please DM if interested, RT if not :) pic.twitter.com/lulPVNanBu

2016-06-21 06:41:37
Diane Landais @ker0chanFR

Sooo I did this #pico8 3d thing. I didn't even know I could do smth like that but, like, okay? pic.twitter.com/1JJ8tmaiYh

2016-06-22 09:04:28
Diane Landais @ker0chanFR

Added fisheye correction, higher resolution, 16x16 textures, depth-based lighting & optim. I'm addicted to #pico8 :( pic.twitter.com/YLgIDUNli2

2016-06-23 05:17:36
acepek @acepek

about 2k tokens left to finish my #startrekjam #pico8 game w/ D: @ least the ui is coming together pic.twitter.com/xhph5lWsok

2016-06-27 18:23:40
yamachan @yamachan360

い、いまは時間がないんだ…でも買っちゃう。応援も兼ねて。遊び心のある開発環境なんて最高じゃないか!> PICO–8って何? – PICO–8ゲーム開発入門(1) jp.automaton.am/devlog/technic… #pico8 #dev pic.twitter.com/qe9D1RM9lw

2016-07-02 01:12:07
Pico Pico Cafe @picopicocafe

PICO-8を使ったプログラミング入門講座を開催します!既に定員の半分が埋まっておりますのでご興味ある方はお早めにお申込みください。詳細は当店Webサイトへ。picopicocafe.com pic.twitter.com/OiwGD7kJJ2

2016-07-02 15:46:11

Tweetの140文字でPICO-8のプログラムを完成させよう!というタグ #pico8 #tweetjam も登場!

Pico Pico Cafe @picopicocafe

PICO-8つぶやきJAM』という楽しい試み:140文字以内のツイートでPICO-8のプログラムを完成させる…どんなモノができあがるんだろ。笑 twitter.com/adamatomic/sta…

2016-06-30 11:04:23
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

pico8 tweet jam, best pico8 programs that fit in 140 characters or less

2016-06-30 00:46:29
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

pico8 tweet jam, best pico8 programs that fit in 140 characters or less

2016-06-30 00:46:29
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

y=0j=0 function _draw() cls() if(btnp(2))j=-10 j+=1 y+=j y=min(123,y) circfill(10,y,4,11) end press up to jump the little circle...

2016-06-30 03:12:20
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

x=-4y=0j=0 function _draw() cls() if(btnp(2))j=-10 j+=1 y+=j y=min(123,y) circfill(10,y,4,11) x-=2 if(x<-4)x=123 circfill(x,123,4,12) end

2016-06-30 03:15:14
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

x=-4y=64r=0 function _draw() cls() y+=1 if(btn(2))y-=2 circfill(10,y,3,11) x-=2 if(x<-4) then x=123r=10+rnd(108) end circfill(x,r,9,12) end

2016-06-30 03:30:44
#AbolishThePolice @ADAMATOMIC

@ADAMATOMIC (sort of a proto-helicopter - try to keep altitude and dodge obstacles??)

2016-06-30 03:31:11