
翻訳も同様 トランプに方針などないので転換はなく 外交政策とは脊髄反射のみ
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

RTs) I get what he's saying.Using traditional news jargon qualifies and elevates actions that aren't up to scratch. The same w/ translation

2017-04-30 10:52:56
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

I keep repeating, you can't/ mustn't translate Trump's words as you would any other head of state. That's just a total misrepresentation

2017-04-30 10:54:46
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

NYUのジェイ・ローゼン教授が、トランプ報道に通常の報道表現を使うことで、そこに実際にはない権威を与えてしまっていると連投で批判。「方針転換」といってもそもそも「方針」などない、「外交政策」といっても事象に反応してるだけだ、など twitter.com/jayrosen_nyu/s…

2017-04-30 11:51:57
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

My thread from earlier today is about using an habitual language to describe a presidency without precedent. twitter.com/jayrosen_nyu/s…

2017-04-30 09:40:24
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701


2017-04-30 11:54:39
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

→実は訳し過ぎだと私は思う。"BAD!”と"That's bad!"では、いわゆるcomplete sentenceになってるかの差が大きいので。後者はちゃんと構文になってる。BAD!の語感というのは「ダメ!」とか、下手をすると「メッ!」という幼児語ないしは幼児を叱る時のもの→

2017-04-30 11:57:29
堂本かおる @nybct

先日の「北朝鮮との major, major 衝突」も「大きな衝突」と訳されていましたね。得意技の繰り返しの稚拙なニュアンスが無くなっていました。 twitter.com/yukokato1701/s…

2017-04-30 12:04:56
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

→ 新聞記事で「米大統領は北朝鮮について『メッ!』とツイッターで書いた」とはなかなか書きにくいけど、記者側(ないしは通訳側)の居心地悪さをよそに、当の大統領はそういう表現を使っているんだというニュアンスが伝わらないのは悩ましい。やはりlost in translation

2017-04-30 12:07:49
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

→ 「その通りに訳すと自分が下手だと思われるから、きちんとした言葉で訳す」なんてことを考えるのは、ニュース翻訳としてはそれこそBAD!だと思うし

2017-04-30 12:08:46
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701


2017-04-30 12:14:03
Yuko Kato @yukokato1701

→ 俳句を外国語に訳すのは、かなり作品知識がないと無理だし、それでもなお訳す人間の解釈がかなり入らざるを得ないのと、似てるかも。

2017-04-30 12:16:39
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is both my subject and my site. @jayrosen.bsky.social jayrosen_nyc at Threads


Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

1/ On day 100 of Trump in power a thread about failed descriptors that keep the press from rendering the situation in its various extremes.

2017-04-30 06:36:55
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

2/ Forced to choose between inventing a language for a presidency without precedent and distorting the picture by relying on normal terms...

2017-04-30 06:37:51
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

3/ ...the newswriters have frequently chosen inaccuracy by means of a received language, even though they know there's nothing normal here.

2017-04-30 06:38:39
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

4/ With no details — and no evidence of planning or deliberation — calling a page of bullet points his tax "plan" misdescribes what he did. pic.twitter.com/iRuq8VpVFv

2017-04-30 06:41:44
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

5/ It might seem harmlessly routine for @Newshour to announce a look back at Trump's "foreign policy accomplishments and setbacks," except—

2017-04-30 06:43:04
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 6/ There is no evidence that he has a foreign policy, and lots of evidence he does not. The most you can say is: stuff happened. He reacted.

2017-04-30 06:43:53
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 7/ It goes further. Even to say the president has views is a distortion. There are particles and waves but they don't amount to "positions."

2017-04-30 06:44:48
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 8/ Every report on his 'flip-flopping' suffers by the implication that he had some sort of position in the first place. Nope. He said stuff.

2017-04-30 06:48:57
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 9/ Talk of “a steep learning curve” credits him with learning. Got evidence of that? Reacting, yes... but learning? nytimes.com/2017/04/13/us/…

2017-04-30 06:50:46
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 10/ My point is the press is running into trouble with basic description because the thing being described violates baseline expectations.

2017-04-30 06:52:33
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 11/ Now flip it around. Just as thoughtless use of normal terms distorts an extreme situation, using accurate terms may sound 'too extreme.'

2017-04-30 06:55:31
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 12/ Example I've used: many things he does can only be explained via Narcissistic Personality Disorder. But that is off limits to newsrooms.

2017-04-30 06:59:35
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour 13/ As @joshtpm has written: "He is not only ignorant but clearly unaware of his level of ignorance." talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/trump-t…

2017-04-30 07:02:17
Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

.@NewsHour @joshtpm 14/ When extreme facts about a president cannot be rendered in news space without the speaker sounding extreme, the facts better watch out.

2017-04-30 07:04:37