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[CLOSED] [JE3] Japan earthquake Info in English #jishin_e 3/14 22:15JST

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れべっか♡ @SaKuRaNd0m

Will post earthquake-related photos if and when I remember to take them. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sakuragfx/ #japanquake #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:07:46
Ito T Saiko @takaosaito

Japan Gov. has press conference, about Fukushima nukeplant #1-2. #prayforjapan #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:06:49
Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara

Edano: At Reactor 1 and Reactor 3, pouring sea water is again working (NHK) #japan #HelpJapan #jishin_e #tsunami

2011-03-14 21:06:02
Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara

Breaking News: possibility of breaking fuel rod, by radiation measurement (NHK) #japan #HelpJapan #jishin_e #tsunami

2011-03-14 21:04:33
dola @ocilam

(#nhk) TEPCO annouces radiation detected and possible damage on fuel rod in #Fukushima #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:04:24
Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara

By running out of fuel of pump, pouring sea water (NHK) #japan #HelpJapan #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:03:28
メアリー Jean S。 @mjeansaberon

Follow @TimeOutTokyo for a new set of english updates of Live Press Conference shown on NHK(?) #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:03:01
Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara

Also reactor 2 of Fukushima No1 Nuke has possibility of reactor core exposure, max 80cm (NHK) #japan #HelpJapan #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:02:41
Shigekazu Ishihara @shigekzishihara

Also reactor 2 of Fukushima No1 Nuke has possibility of reactor core exposure (NHK) #japan #HelpJapan #jishin_e

2011-03-14 21:01:48
井上徳也 (Tokuya INOUE, M.Ed.) @Tokuya_Inoue

PSE RT| Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) can support public internet facility. (NOT PERSONEL) gio-rr@iij.ad.jp #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:58:08
Jose @longopenroads

Homes w/o pwr in Ibaraki Pref: 85k (17:54) > 65k (18:39) > 58k (19:04) > 51k (19:34) > 35k (20:04) > 23k (20:49, latest) - TEPCO #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:54:43
Said Karlsson @saidk

JMA just announced that the risk for a M7 or stronger aftershock is down from 70% to 40% #earthquake #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:53:03
junkTokyo @junktokyo

WB Jpn to stop showing Eastwood's "Hereafter". Shochiku postponed release of Chinese quake pic “After Shock” #jishin_e #japantsunami

2011-03-14 20:49:54
tora @tora3x

During power outage, I powered off all electric equipment and turn on radio which are powered by batteries or manually. #Japan #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:45:43
Jose @longopenroads

Homes w/o pwr in Ibaraki Pref: 85k (17:54) 65k (18:39) 58k (19:04) 51k (19:34) 35k (20:04) 29k (20:39, latest) - TEPCO #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:43:45
Eunice Lim @EuniceLim

Thx @DanielKahl! "Keeping an eye on reports regarding Fukushima #1 Nuclear Power Plant. Will tweet new development. #japantsunami #jishin_e"

2011-03-14 20:36:39
Lisa Sumiyoshi @lisanosuke

http://bit.ly/e0bJbt Clear and neat explanation of what was going on in the nuc plant! #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:35:42
ダニエル・カール @DanielKahl

Keeping an eye on reports regarding Fukushima #1 Nuclear Power Plant. Will tweet new developments. #japantsunami #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:35:01
angelscanfly @angelscanfly

We all thank for the support to Jpn from Hollywood! @mrskutcher U R not alone! @masato_ohya http://t.co/OcJmoto #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:33:39
ダニエル・カール @DanielKahl

The core of 2nd reactor was only temporarily exposed, so danger of meltdown is not too high. #japantsunami #jishin_e

2011-03-14 20:33:30
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