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Liz Jarvis @LizJarvisUK

Reading paper about the #fukushima50. Heroes every one #Japan

2011-03-18 17:56:31
mika ✘✘ @xxxtakamikaxxx

Fukushima50! RT @nhk_news: 米メディア 原発作業員を称賛 http://nhk.jp/N3ul6BwM #nhk_news

2011-03-18 17:58:32
TOEIC EXERCISE with Kerorista @kerorista

東京消防庁 放水高い位置から tokyo firefighter arriving in fukushima http://nhk.jp/N3ul6C2I #fukushima50

2011-03-18 18:02:14
Ram @rammufc99

Fair play to the #Fukushima50, risking their lives for their people and country!

2011-03-18 18:02:54
Anchovies @AdrianNCF

@nekkonekonyaa your dad's effort in #fukushima50 is only one with great heart can do.proud of it (http://ind.pn/gSmMep) #Japan

2011-03-18 18:03:57
谷口健太郎 @gucci_ken

Fukushoma50、 勇気に感動します。涙がでます。 定年まで半年という家では頼りなく見えた父が志願していき、この上なく誇りに感じたという女性の呟き、涙がでます。#Fukushima50

2011-03-18 18:04:35
モルモット絵画展 広報モルモット代理の同居ニンゲン @tubu3

ガンバレガンバレFukushima50! RT @otobokeya: ガンバレガンバレFukushima50! RT @mari_ca2: ガンバレガンバレ! Fukushima50! o(●>Å<●)o ガンバレガンバレFukushima50!

2011-03-18 18:06:34
yoyo-france.net @YoYoFrance

@ananchamidayo Your people are an example for mankind to follow, and your father is a real life hero. The #fukushima50 will be remembered

2011-03-18 18:07:04
Taki Inoue @takiinoue

#Fukushima50 に行く事を祈ります。RT @tf1xx 最前線で作業している人たちに行って欲しいです。政治家は手を出すな http://bit.ly/hvp7Dk

2011-03-18 18:07:10
Martin Sam @MartinSamSA

#japan. A father's goodbye: 'Live well. I cannot be home for a while' - The #fukushima50 - The Independent http://ind.pn/g95GRQ

2011-03-18 18:08:08
Jake Dyer @ScotchCorner

While its Red Nose Day we should all pause & reflect for minute the ultimate courage being shown by #Fukushima50

2011-03-18 18:08:09
かな @kanatadekoko

Do your best! Do my best! Thank you. I proud your doing. #Fukushima50

2011-03-18 18:08:38


2011-03-18 18:09:09
Elizabeth Lee @elee618

As Churchill sd, "Never...was so much owed by so many to so few" ~ Thank U just isnt enough #fukushima50 http://ind.pn/gSmMep @nekkonekonyaa

2011-03-18 18:10:08
Christoph Rung @ChristophRung

Pls RT! Facebook-Gruppe für die #Fukushima50, die mehr als 50 Helden, die ihr Leben für ihre Mitmenschen opfern. http://on.fb.me/dWILAw

2011-03-18 18:10:16

.@looselyhuman @TheRealNimoy Does it? Doesn't that mean #Fukushima50 were obligated to do as they did? Can you weigh lives at all? #Japan

2011-03-18 18:10:40
Yeseul Jo @yyyyyyyye

わたしも!! RT @ryo_natsu: 福島第一原子力発電所で、命がけで日本を守って下さる皆様に...無事をお祈りします。#Fukushima50

2011-03-18 18:14:08
Volney Faustini @volneyf

Heróis modernos: #Fukushima50 - trabalhadores que não abandonaram o site e permanecem trabalhando (e arriscando suas vidas)

2011-03-18 18:15:53
newsdependent 🇩🇪🇪🇺🇺🇦 @newsdependent

Die #Fukushima50 werden bald von weiteren 140 Feuerwehleuten unterstützt. #Japan

2011-03-18 18:20:08
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