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Michael Pinto @michaelpinto

{ real heroes } ❀ as you read this the #fukushima50 are putting their lives on the line — keep them in your thoughts and prayers ❀

2011-03-18 17:01:28
ck @pontucchi

#Fukushima50 命がけで日本を守って下さる名も無きHEROたち。私達は心よりあなた方のご無事をおいのりしています。どうぞ神様お守り下さい。

2011-03-18 17:04:37
Kirk @kirkpra

#fukushima50 deep bow for 50 heroes and their family

2011-03-18 17:09:41
cornics @internal_link

But for our waste of electricity, we might not have needed this nuclear power plant. Remembering #fukushima50, we should vow never to waste.

2011-03-18 17:10:33

i wonder if Aomori has something on mind to help #Fukushima50. because it also depends more or less on the profit of nuclear plants.

2011-03-18 17:17:22
Nox From Ateam @NoxFromAteam

日本のメディアも称賛してー!RT @fondonorte10: 感謝! RT @shrinetree 米メディア 原発作業員を称賛 Fukushima50 http://nhk.jp/N3ul6BwM がんばってください!

2011-03-18 17:18:05
Greenpeace Philippines @gpph

We commend the heroism of the workers fighting to stabilize the current crisis in #Japan. Much respect #Fukushima50 http://bit.ly/h3BzMc

2011-03-18 17:23:46
Sidibe's Left Sock @Pro_crastinator

Big big respect to the Fukushima 50 working IN the nuclear power plant in Japan trying to halt any leakage to save our ass. #fukushima50

2011-03-18 17:31:44
xtianim @pastSoonNow

We commend the heroism of the workers fighting in #Japan. Much respect #Fukushima50 http://bit.ly/h3BzMc #Hagakure via @gpph

2011-03-18 17:31:51

凄い人たちです。福島原発で作業している人たちに敬意を! 原発作業員に海外からエール 「50人のヒーローを称えよう」 http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/5422501/ #Fukushima50

2011-03-18 17:32:59
Helen McCarthy @tweetheart4711

#Fukushima50: because real men don't need guns, knives, bling or big talk. They get their respect by serving their fellow humans.

2011-03-18 17:37:34
Helen McCarthy @tweetheart4711

When Hollywood options the #Fukushima50, most of the stars will be white Americans, with one or two token Asians.

2011-03-18 17:39:04
SeeNoEvilDesign @Tweet_No_Evil_

Big big respect to the Fukushima 50 working IN the nuclear power plant in Japan trying to halt any leakage to save our ass. #fukushima50

2011-03-18 17:42:04
otoboke-ya @otobokeya

ガンバレガンバレFukushima50! RT @mari_ca2: ガンバレガンバレ! Fukushima50! o(●>Å<●)o ガンバレガンバレFukushima50!

2011-03-18 17:43:50
Dane Kuwanolds @Kuwaken_1


2011-03-18 17:45:24
James Leung @jamesleung0

@tweetheart4711 Hollywood will probably cast Jonathan Pryce again. They really like him wearing the prosthetic eyelids. #Fukushima50

2011-03-18 17:47:56

We should all be in awe of the #fukushima50. 50 brave souls battling inside the power plants to save Japan. There are not enough words

2011-03-18 17:48:36
Takewaka1976 @Takewaka1976

ABCニュースの〝Fukushima50〟特集。(動画) / Japan Earthquake: 'Fukushima 50' Heroes http://htn.to/m6RpJf

2011-03-18 17:51:59

Seriously in a selfish world the #fukushima50 are heroes in every sense of the word. Saw the news late last night of their efforts + cried

2011-03-18 17:52:10
R(・・) @ryo_natsu


2011-03-18 17:53:01
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