AFP通信の記者の質について 「Japanese Only」の意味

フランス総領事館 Jean-Matthieu Bonnel(jmbonnel)氏の問題ツイートまとめを作ろうと持ってたら見つけたのでまとめておきます フランス語・英語が出てきてますが訳せてません。 あと、そのせいかなんかぐちゃぐちゃです。ごめんなさい…


オタクモドキと化したぜるたん @the_no_plan

.@marionko_ さんの「AFP日本支部Alastair Himmer記者(alastairhimmer)の暴言と記事の捏造疑惑にみるAFP日..」 をお気に入りにしました。

2018-07-13 09:22:06
まとめ AFP日本支部Alastair Himmer記者(alastairhimmer)の暴言と記事の捏造疑惑にみるAFP日.. AFP通信日本支部Alastair Himmer記者の暴言を通してジャーナリズムを考える 33404 pv 324 33 users 413

Japanese onlyに沸く外国メディア


ALTInsider @AltInsiderFY

Back in the States after 11 years in Japan. Contact:

ALTInsider @AltInsiderFY

@ciaela My thoughts exactly. I would recommend to the owner just giving a heads up that the menu is in Japanese and they don’t speak English would be a better idea, though.

2018-07-03 21:06:50
ALTInsider @AltInsiderFY

Edited replay of the @JETProgram webinar is now ready to roll. Thanks to @KevinKGuzman and the other guests for their time. You only get one first time in Japan, enjoy it.

2018-07-04 10:55:01
リンク Webinar Replay + Additional Resources - First things first, thanks to all that attended the webinar live! For those that couldn’t make it (or those that want to relive the magic). 13
marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 15:30:35
marion_ko @marionko_

Chercheur à Paris 14 sur le rôle des pommes de terres dans le domaine du maintient de l’ordre / togetterやまとめサイトへの転載、スクショでのツイートの持ち出しは固くお断りします/🇺🇦🕊

marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 15:51:45
marion_ko @marionko_

「英語が苦手なので意思疎通がうまく出来ないことがあります」とも言えないし、そもそも会話を始められない 。一言すら言葉が出てこない人たちだっているのよ。この紙はちょっとマズかったにしろ、紙の根底にあるのは日本語の話せない外国人にも日本人客と同じサービスを提供したいって思いなんじゃ?

2018-07-04 15:56:44
marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 16:04:32
marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 16:18:33
marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 16:27:32
marion_ko @marionko_


2018-07-04 17:20:31
marion_ko @marionko_

@AltInsiderFY I understand that this paper may seem shocking. But in Japan there are people who really do not understand English. Often they themselves are deeply sorry not to speak it. I have seen many people who criticize, who say they are racist. And it makes me feel sick to see it. →

2018-07-04 17:33:44
marion_ko @marionko_

@AltInsiderFY Their way of saying it is not good, but there are no bad intentions. When we do not understand another language at all, we can not even say how much we do not understand. Even if you learn a few sentences by heart, then you do not understand the answers.→

2018-07-04 17:34:20
marion_ko @marionko_

@AltInsiderFY Maybe you do not believe me, but that's the reality. I understand their thoughts, because I live in France myself. When I started living here, I knew just two words, hello and good evening. When I did not understand, I was paralyzed and I could just show a forced smile. →

2018-07-04 17:34:50
marion_ko @marionko_

@AltInsiderFY It was very difficult to say even a sentence. I hope it will not be a big deal and they will not close their shop. I'm sorry that I only speak French and Japanese so I translate with google translation (French →English, maybe it's not perfect)

2018-07-04 17:36:06
Fox over hedgehog @foxoverhedgehog

@Crystal45683153 @sendaiben @AltInsiderFY Are you high saying nothing wrong with xenophobia then? Ffs. Imagine if Canada did that or the US?

2018-07-04 17:38:09
Fox over hedgehog @foxoverhedgehog

Editor unfortunately plagued with fat thumbs, researcher, writer, optimist for human rights, baker. Unabashedly centre left. Tweets are my own

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