やはりフェミニストの言うとこを信じる男はカルトでバカだったし、フェミニスト自体がバカになっていた #私たちはフェミニストにもっと怒っていい

〇ないというデータ示しても聞いてもらえないことの方が多いですね。散々な言われようですが、多少参考にはなってもまともに反論できない。 〇男女の賃金格差から再分配ではなくゲーマーたたきに落ち込むという。まさにフェミニストがダメなところを凝縮したツイート。 〇ネットに真実があるというネトウヨがないて喜ぶ頭の弱さ。反知性主義、歴史修正主義になんの抵抗もない。だからデマでも簡単に信じてしまう。 〇日本のフェミニストはここまであからさまに医大たたきに憤激することで、杉田水脈や自民党を擁護したので、ネトウヨで差別主義者だ。 〇最もフェミニストはもともと女権拡張主義者で平等主義者ではない。明日少女隊はそのウソを正当化するために広辞苑を書き換えさせた。とんでもない権力であり、男女が差別されているわけがない。
岡田育🍥『我は、おばさん』 @okadaic

本スレもいくつかRTしたけど日本語対訳スレッドもあったので貼っておきます。性差別の「証拠」を出せという連中に対して「ググレカス」の一語で片付けがちなところを丁寧に解説してくれているので、以後はこれを拡散することで省力化をはかるというのでどうだろうか。 twitter.com/Summer500la/st…

2018-08-11 01:22:01
Summer @Summer500la

やあみんな! 女性に「女性差別があるっていうデータは?」とか「根拠は?」と聞くのをやめようじゃないか。丁寧に聞いたら問題ないと思ってるだろ? 僕も前はそう思っていた! 「ただ聞いてるだけ」でも、実はそんな簡単な話じゃないんだよ。 説明しよう。 twitter.com/kenwongart/sta…

2018-08-10 01:32:13
まとめ 小倉弁護士、 #東京医科大 でデマや妄言をわめき散らすフェミニストを断罪する ただの差別主義者(女尊男卑)なので男性医師が過労死することになるだろう 〇女子中学生と東京医科大は全く別の問題なのを一部のフェミニストは理解していない 〇東大でも受験で優遇されているのをフェミニストは言わない。単なる嘘つきしかいない。 〇NZ首相の例は女性がバカな夫しか選ばないという女性のレベルの低さを証明している 〇私立小学校の職業差別に無頓着なフェミニストは差別を肯定して推進しているので反差別とは遠い存在である 〇フェミニストは差別主義者であって男女平等など考えていない 〇なので女性は優遇されているのに優遇されていないと平気でウソが言える 〇諸悪の根源は女性が上昇婚を目指すことがいけないのでお前らすぐキモカネオッサンと結婚しろ。 〇そもそも自民党はこの不公正な入試制度を拡大しようとしているのにフェミニス.. 7920 pv 5
ken wong @kenwongart

Hey my dudes! Please stop asking women for statistics and proof that gender bias exists. It sounds reasonable to politely ask for evidence... I used to think the same! Let me explain why it's a little more complicated than 'just asking questions'. pic.twitter.com/Bde7ihUcct

2018-08-05 21:31:10
ken wong @kenwongart

Us guys often have problems hearing that gender bias exists if we haven't experienced or observed it ourselves. This is in large part because so much of the world around us was designed to keep men like us in power.

2018-08-05 21:31:10
ken wong @kenwongart

I know that sounds like a huge conspiracy theory! But ask yourself, how many studies, reports and articles would it take to convince you? Here's a good starter, on how both men and women scientists are biased against female-sounding names on resumes: blogs.scientificamerican.com/unofficial-pro…

2018-08-05 21:31:11
ken wong @kenwongart

Here's an indication that women need to work at least twice as hard to receive the same recognition as men: economist.com/science-and-te…

2018-08-05 21:31:11
ken wong @kenwongart

Women are interrupted more in professional environments nextions.com/wp-content/upl…

2018-08-05 21:31:11
ken wong @kenwongart

Tokyo Medical University has been rigging applicants scores because it assumed women would drop out of work when they got pregnant qz.com/1346588/tokyo-…

2018-08-05 21:31:12
ken wong @kenwongart

Students in computer science were approaching 50% women until the mid-80s, when computers became advertised as a male hobby/interest. npr.org/sections/money…

2018-08-05 21:31:12
ken wong @kenwongart

All of the above studies (which took about 30 minutes of googling to find) support the idea that there's a lot of bias in the world that is hidden from us, that might take a bit of extra reading and researching and listening to uncover.

2018-08-05 21:31:13
ken wong @kenwongart

It's especially hidden from us if we're in a position of privilege (including being cis, straight, white and/or male). Here's Harvard Business Review on 'advantage blindness' also known as privilege blindness: hbr.org/2018/04/do-you…

2018-08-05 21:31:13
ken wong @kenwongart

A few years ago, I was not so different from the original enquirer. Feminism sounded like a hot mess of angry complaining women! If they could actually sit down and agree with each other, and show me some evidence and some straight answers, maybe I'd give them my time?

2018-08-05 21:31:13
ken wong @kenwongart

Then, *that* incident in the games industry in 2014. If you paid any attention (and if you need a recap, here's the book affirmpress.com.au/publishing/gam…) it was made clear that games in subtle and unsubtle, intentional and unintentional ways, treats women poorly.

2018-08-05 21:31:14
ken wong @kenwongart

So in the years since then I've followed a lot more women and other marginalised folks on Twitter. I read the articles they recommend. I go to their talks. I play the games they make.

2018-08-05 21:31:14
ken wong @kenwongart

And I can tell you... they're tired of answering our questions. They've been doing that for decades.

2018-08-05 21:31:15
ken wong @kenwongart

When you ask a woman for proof/statistics, you're asking her to repeat herself, to do research for you, to explain things she maybe lives through every day. And because of how Twitter works, there are probably a bunch of other dudes asking her the same.

2018-08-05 21:31:15
ken wong @kenwongart

Trying to learn things from Twitter discussion (or debate) is usually a very inefficient process, and is often one party demanding escalating amounts of 'proof' and/or emotional labour of another.

2018-08-05 21:31:16
ken wong @kenwongart

Here's what you can do instead: 1) Do your own research. Some terms: "gender wage gap" "women in games" "women in STEM" 2) Follow women and other people different from you on Twitter. Read/watch what's important to them. 3) Believe in the experiences of others

2018-08-05 21:31:16
ken wong @kenwongart

Of course, this doesn't mean you *can't ever* ask questions of women on Twitter. If you do have unanswered questions after research, ask in your own thread, or be sure that discourse is welcome in others' threads.

2018-08-05 21:31:16
ken wong @kenwongart

If you're looking for a starting point (as I once did), try @femfreq. I don't want to tag individuals here because that sometimes leads to bad things, but follow women CEOs, women in STEM, women in games. One of my favourite sources of perspective is @TeenVogue.

2018-08-05 21:31:17
ken wong @kenwongart

Since the original was about e-sports: here's an article answering the exact question: pcgamesn.com/counter-strike…

2018-08-05 21:31:17
ken wong @kenwongart

And here's some insight into how Korean gamers are bullying the game development community into rejecting feminism kotaku.com.au/2018/04/in-sou…

2018-08-05 21:31:17
ken wong @kenwongart

And here's how some players believe sexual harassment of women is part of e-sports venturebeat.com/community/2012…

2018-08-05 21:31:18
ken wong @kenwongart

And the various excuses men make about not hiring great female players in Overwatch League kotaku.com.au/2018/01/no-ove…

2018-08-05 21:31:18
ken wong @kenwongart

This thread has just been about women in games, but there are other axes of discrimination in games, including race, sexuality and ablism.

2018-08-05 21:31:18
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