#seatac 無理だよ、僕は白人男性なんだ

Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

Here is a video, apparently, of the barrel roll. I can't confirm it's legit but it looks like it is. twitter.com/CameronThomsen…

2018-08-11 15:49:08
Cameron Thomsen @CameronThomsen

Full video form John Waldron on Facebook being shown on CNN #seatac pic.twitter.com/R98bl5uQBr

2018-08-11 14:54:20
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

That's it for me for tonight. I will try to compile these tomorrow. If anyone finds any other clips, you can fire them my way and I will tweet in the morning.

2018-08-11 15:50:26
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

I hope this was helpful, and that I didn't contribute to anyone's suffering. Once again, if anyone is in need of someone to speak to, here's one number you can call: 1-800-565-3801

2018-08-11 15:51:07
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

I don't have a soundcloud, and new followers, I'm sorry to disappoint but plane joyrides aren't my usual beat. I work at @thenarwhalca covering the Arctic, and just this week joined @maisonneuvemag too. Please check out those great publications for non aviation related stuff.

2018-08-11 16:21:20
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

This is the first time I hear his voice on the recordings, (pointed out to me by @bennnettwc). Hard to say exactly what he is responding to, but he claims to be a "ground service agent." pic.twitter.com/0VOsD1TW2A

2018-08-12 02:39:16
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

I've compiled all the clips of Rich speaking to ground control from last night, in order. It isn't a complete picture, because much of what was said has been lost. But hopefully it's a useful picture of the sequence of events. youtu.be/X50N4YndsXk #seatac #seatacstolenplane

2018-08-12 08:48:25
Prof. Keiko Torii @KeikoUTorii


2018-08-11 14:51:08
KING 5 News @KING5Seattle

WATCH LIVE: SkyKING over plane crash on Ketron Island. Airport employee stole plane from Sea-Tac and crashed shortly after >> kng5.tv/2MD7k1N pic.twitter.com/57XiUTXzTk

2018-08-11 13:54:44


堀 正岳 @ めほり @mehori

米シアトルの飛行機盗難の件、管制官と犯人の肉声のやり取りをぜんぶ書き起こしている人がいて、読んでいてとても悲しい。 twitter.com/jwsthomson/sta…

2018-08-11 16:29:47
Jimmy Thomson @jwsthomson

I'm listening through the archive of the radio chatter on the #seatac hijacking. Below are some of the clips. pic.twitter.com/ziBAYv7cgn

2018-08-11 13:20:32
堀 正岳 @ めほり @mehori

犯人の安否が気になっていたけど、死亡が確認されたか...。悲しい。気の毒に。 edition.cnn.com/2018/08/11/us/…

2018-08-12 00:57:14
堀 正岳 @ めほり @mehori


2018-08-12 01:01:31