
しましまのACML2019の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys19/
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Mark.Tang @MarkTan57229491

BC Learning is very interesting! 1 Generate infinite training data from limited data 2 Learn more discriminative feature space than standard learning 1) BC Learning for Image Classification arxiv.org/abs/1711.10284 2) BC Learning for Deep Sound Recognition arxiv.org/abs/1711.10282 twitter.com/shima__shima/s…

2019-11-19 13:49:23
しましま @shima__shima

最後の招待講演は原田さん@東大,少数データからの画像認識 変わったクラスの画像はラベル付きデータがあまりない pic.twitter.com/x19EMi8BSV

2019-11-19 11:26:17
Satoshi Hara @f_negibozu

If you are interested in (nearly) real-time super resolution for microscopy, check our paper at #ACML2019. [paper] proceedings.mlr.press/v101/hara19a.h… [slide] github.com/sato9hara/SPoD…

2019-11-19 16:04:32
kota matsui @matsui_kota

All programs of ACML2019 have been finished. Thank you again for your participation!

2019-11-19 17:40:06
Taiji Suzuki @btreetaiji

All programs of ACML2019 were over. I was happy that I could serve a program co-chair of ACML2019. I enjoyed the conference very much as one of the organizing committee members. Especially, session chair on No-stage was quite enjoyable:) pic.twitter.com/hWZtWJfSvE

2019-11-19 18:48:47
Yusuke Hayashi 林祐輔 𝕏 @hayashiyus

ACML2019 に参加して,運営スタッフの方々の配慮の行き届き方に頭が下がる思いだった.名古屋能楽堂の舞台の上に,海外の研究者たちが上がって発表をするという趣向は素晴らしかったし,能楽堂から名古屋城側のホテルに移動する際,雨が降っていたときには,スタッフの方が(無料で)傘を配っていた. pic.twitter.com/YTxPgvQgHO

2019-11-19 23:20:31
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