Steven Wilson "Hand. Cannot. Erase." 本人による解説の試訳

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この曲はひとつ前のアルバム『The Raven That Refused to Sing』のセッションから発展したもので、いわゆるプログ・ロックの要素が強い。やや古くさいと言えるかもしれないけど、アルバムの幕開けを叙事詩のように演出している。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Most of the album was written for my current band at the time to play: Marco Minnemann (drums), @ggovan_official (guitar), @NickBeggs (bass), and Adam Holzman (keyboards). #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:10:48


  • Marco Minnemann (ドラム)
  • Guthrie Govan (ギター)
  • Nick Beggs (ベース)
  • Adam Holzman (キーボード)

Hand Cannot Erase

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

‘Hand Cannot Erase’ is the most direct and simple rock song on the album; it's about being in a relationship and kidding yourself that it’s working when it clearly isn’t. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:12:27

「Hand Cannot Erase」はアルバム中最も直接的でシンプルなロックソングだ。人間関係と、それが明らかにダメなのに上手くいっていると思い込む自己暗示的なものを歌っている。

これはこの曲のレコーディング風景(2014年9月、ロンドンの AIR Studios にて)

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

I’m not very musically literate but I *think* this is in 9, but with the drums changing from 4 to 3 time in relation to it. I’m sure a real musician could explain better exactly what’s going on. At this time even my simple songs are complicated! #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:14:09


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

.@lassehoile also made a great video for this song that I originally used as live visuals before releasing it online as a music video. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:15:26

Lasse Hoile は素晴らしい映像をこの曲につけてくれた。MV としてオンラインで公開する前からライヴでも使っていたものだ。

Perfect Life

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

‘Perfect Life’ was the last thing written for the album and perhaps my favourite, it’s heartbreaking and emotionally powerful. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:16:38

「Perfect Life」はアルバムの中で最後に書いた曲だけど、お気に入りだ。胸が張り裂けるような、力強い情緒がある。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

The words were originally written as a short story with more lines. I hired a voice actress to read it but when she did I realised it would make the song too long, so I cut it back to the key lines. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:17:04


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

It’s about how people that come into your life for only a very short period of time can sometimes have the most impact. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:17:39


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Maybe everyone has a childhood friend that is like the sister in this story, someone that changed the way you thought about life in a very brief time. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:17:49


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

A Lebanese director @NassarYoussef made a beautiful video for the song. I asked him to watch Peter Weir’s haunting film Picnic at Hanging Rock to get an idea of the kind of atmosphere I wanted. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:19:49

レバノンの映画監督 Youssef Nassar が美しい映像をこの曲のために作ってくれた。想像した空気感を彼に伝えるために、印象的な Peter Weir の映画『Picnic at Hanging Rock』を観てもらった。

ピクニックatハンギング・ロック - Wikipedia

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