防疫目的であれば検査回数の減少、無症状の人の検査省略は解決策ではない。低感度でも迅速検査をより広く活用する事が必要(2050.8.30作成) #新型コロナウイルス #CT値

Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

Most of the time, a low viral load will remain low the next day, so if someone has a Ct value >33 two days in a row - they probably do not need quarantining and if the exposure is unknown, then likely not fruitful to contact trace either. 11/17

2020-08-30 05:36:05
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

But unfortunately, we don't use these (Ct) numbers today for medicine or public health. We just quarantine everyone with a first +ve result for 10 days, falsely assuming we happened to get a swab at the beginning of their infection - this is perhaps irresponsible. 12/17

2020-08-30 05:36:58
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

Instead it turns out that most people who are found positive via asymptomatic testing are long past their infectious stage - perhaps over 70%! So perhaps 70% of asymptomatics who get quarantined don't need to be! twitter.com/michaelmina_la… 13/17

2020-08-30 05:37:43
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

So much focus on sensitivity of the test. As though all tests must match up to PCR But could focusing so much on achieving the greatest molecular sensitivity for asymptomatic testing *when testing is infrequent* be doing more harm than good? I’ll explain 1/

2020-08-21 15:08:27
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

If we want a chance at finding ppl b4 they infect others, we need very frequent testing - one reason I and others have been calling for new approaches to testing, using cheap, rapid tests for infectiousness. theatlantic.com/health/archive… 14/17

2020-08-30 05:39:00
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

So, I hope that this @nytimes article by @apoorva_nyc (top of this whole thread) is seen as a call to action to start using all of the information (the quantitative values) available from the test to help make important decisions about how to act on a positive result... 15/17

2020-08-30 05:40:04
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

Interpreting the PCR viral load value can help optimize contact tracing efforts to follow leads most likely to be fruitful, will prevent unnecessary quarantining of millions after their their infectious period and will help save huge resources in hospital settings 16/17

2020-08-30 05:40:31
Michael Mina @michaelmina_lab

Finally, to be clear, I do NOT want to change the PCR threshold to call someone with low viral load negative. This was unclear in the article. I simply want to use all the information in the most informative way to guide downstream actions. 17/17

2020-08-30 05:40:50
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

まさかMichael Minaの繰り返し検査戦略が日本でも取り沙汰されるようになるとは思わなかった。あまりにもレベルが違いすぎて。 twitter.com/suzuki_takaya/…

2020-08-31 15:21:48
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

直近のNatureのブリーフィングでコメントされていたサーベイランスPCRのモデリング、プレプリント。状況はロックダウンではなくて人々は普通に暮らしていてテスト陽性のときに隔離されるという前提。感染やRを減らすのに、テスト感度は大きな問題ではないという結論。 medrxiv.org/content/10.110…

2020-06-30 00:07:40
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

界隈ではPost-Micheal Minaといわれているほどの衝撃だったTWiV640 microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-640/

2020-08-31 15:28:38
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2020-08-31 15:28:39

Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2020-08-31 15:51:50
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2020-08-31 15:51:50
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2020-08-31 15:51:51
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

この論文の凄さはモデリングというよりは検査とウイルスの特性を踏まえた生物学的な観点から書かれていること。 PCRに比べて抗原検査が感度が低いというのは頻回検査というこの文脈では批判にならないということは、よくわからないかもしれない。それは弱点でなくて時間を買うためのコスト。

2020-08-31 15:51:51
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

ちなみにもともとの論文はLAMPのID Nowが叩かれたのを何とかするためというモチベーションであったわけだが、ID Nowは相当感度高い上に定量できない(はず)ので、これはまさにPoint of care diagnosticsであるべき。

2020-08-31 15:51:51
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2020-08-31 15:51:52

まとめ 【論文】医療従事者等のエッセンシャルワーカー、ハイリスク群への定期PCR検査戦略を想定した数理モデル研究(2020... Comparison of molecular testing strategies for COVID-19 control: a mathematical modelling study Nicholas C Grassly et al. Lancet Infect Dis. August 18, 2020 https://t.co/Ywg1EtqWBY 医療従事者等のエッセンシャルワーカー、ハイリスク群への定期PCR検査戦略を想定した数理モデル研究 https://t.co/ZdM42ZjZXZ 3380 pv 47 2 users 4