2020/11/18-11/19 完全停戦合意後その⑤(アルメニア-アゼルバイジャン戦争)

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301🇦🇲 @301arm

The villages of Nor Maraga, Nor Aygestan, Nor Seisulan, Nor Karmiravan, Nor Haikadzhur, Ovtashen and Nor Jraberd in the Martakert region will be transferred under the control of Azerbaijan until November 20, 2020... pic.twitter.com/tnL5KAPuv0

2020-11-18 21:57:34
301🇦🇲 @301arm

...pursuant to the trilateral agreement. The state is taking measuers to relocate the property of more than 2,000 residents of these villages, provide temporary housing and other means.

2020-11-18 21:57:34
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Looking at the location, I'm guessing these are going to be handed over as part of the Aghdam handover. pic.twitter.com/EiiZpM9pCK

2020-11-18 21:59:56
AzStudies @AzStudies

"The return to Azerbaijan of five and later two more districts, which were under control (in fact under control of Armenia, let's put it straight), was discussed for a very long time." - Putin en.kremlin.ru/events/preside… "put it straight"

2020-11-18 22:04:45
mssn65 @jpg2t785

セルジュコフの遺産とも言えるロシア軍の「イヴェコLMV(Rys)」装甲車ですが、使い勝手が良いのか、シリアに続いてカラバフでも使われている模様。 twitter.com/RALee85/status…

2020-11-18 22:08:00
Rob Lee @RALee85

Photos of a Russian peacekeeper checkpoint in the Lachin corridor. 2265/ Photos: Арам Нерсесян vk.com/milinfolive?w=… pic.twitter.com/2Vq0EUNse1

2020-11-18 08:08:38
AzStudies @AzStudies

"We agreed that Turkey, acting at the request of Azerbaijan, would take part in monitoring compliance with the ceasefire conditions. We will do this together with Turkey. What I mean is that we have positive experience of collaboration in Middle East". Putin

2020-11-18 22:11:48
301🇦🇲 @301arm

5 more Russian observation posts added from November 17 to 18, bringing the total number of peacekeeping observation posts to 21 from 16. R/T @GeromanAT pic.twitter.com/dhxlfGeE7m

2020-11-18 22:25:55
301🇦🇲 @301arm

The word "Nor" before the name of the village means "New," meaning that these villages were established in a new location after their inhabitants fled the original location and took refuge elsewhere. Now, these people will have to flee the new location all over again.

2020-11-18 22:31:18
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

ピピーッ、ナゴルノ=カラバフ警察です。ナゴルノ=カラバフは高地カラバフの意味なので、ナゴルノで略すと「高地」になります。なので略すならカラバフで。 【地球コラム】ナゴルノ停戦、勝者はトルコか:時事ドットコム jiji.com/jc/v4?id=20201… @jijicomより

2020-11-18 22:31:49
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Now Artak Davtyan, ex-Chief of the General Staff stepped in bashing Andranik Kocharyan that he studied the four-day April war for a year, and the results of the commission's work have not yet been published. "I wonder how long it will take to study the 44-day war." pic.twitter.com/m4SBRaKKxv

2020-11-18 22:51:34
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Lieut. Gen. Artak Davtyan was dismissed from the position of the Chief of the General Staff in June, when he was accused of holding the wedding ceremony of his son during Covid lockdown restrictions. He was appointed head of the mil. industry committee and dismissed 2 days ago. twitter.com/301_ad/status/…

2020-11-18 22:55:39
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Artak Davtyan, head of the military-industrial committee of the Ministry of IT of Armenia, was dismissed from his post. pic.twitter.com/eiz4DpWOhd

2020-11-16 20:08:54
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Deputy Foreign Minister Ara Ayvazyan resigns. pic.twitter.com/jzk8MF1pHM

2020-11-18 22:58:46
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan, asked about the Himnadram/ArmeniaFund money: part of it is not spent yet, the other part has been donated to the government. pic.twitter.com/gNilaPG04K

2020-11-18 23:09:46
301🇦🇲 @301arm

"In this situation in particular, we considered it right to consolidate our efforts into centralized spending preferences because it is clear to all of us that determining spending preferences over the past 45 days was the most important issue...

2020-11-18 23:09:47
301🇦🇲 @301arm

...Accordingly, we decided to discuss and implement the health, social and infrastructure expenses together, cooperate so that the expenses are addressed effectively." - Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan

2020-11-18 23:09:47
301🇦🇲 @301arm


2020-11-18 23:10:21
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Deputy Foreign Minister Ara Ayvazyan resigned because he was appointed as the new MFA of Armenia. (for the thread archive)

2020-11-18 23:10:58
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

北部ルートは途絶しますし、シューシ(ャ)西側を通っていた街道筋はアゼルバイジャン領になりますからね。。一部で言われていたように、シューシを北西に避ける迂回路を作った方が良いのですが、地形上一筋縄ではいかないかもしれません。RT twitter.com/SashaIvanov205…

2020-11-18 23:16:53
サーシカ @SashaIvanov2053


2020-11-18 23:14:39
Eurasia Watcher @eurasia_watcher

ステパナケルトとアルメニア本国を繋ぐ今の街道筋はシューシ(ャ)の西側を通る尾根道を通るのだが、ここを迂回するとなると黄色の破線で示した谷に道を通す必要がある。そのためには今の道から山越えしなければいけないのだが、地形は相当急峻。ものすごい峠越えにするかトンネルを通すか pic.twitter.com/hrOrGorcBb

2020-11-18 23:23:09
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Pashinyan: Now the issue of changing the composition of the government is being discussed. Decisions will be made public immediately after their adoption. twitter.com/301_AD/status/…

2020-11-18 23:27:39
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Pashinyan: I am making changes in the government to implement this road map. The meaning and purpose of the changes will be the more effective implementation of the above-mentioned program and the maximum adaptation of the government staff to the implementation of the road map.

2020-11-18 17:49:22
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Meanwhile an opposition rally is currently being held on Freedom Square. twitter.com/301_AD/status/… pic.twitter.com/IBncUhjIrZ

2020-11-18 23:33:01
301🇦🇲 @301arm

The Armenian government will help Artsakh in restoring the destroyed and damaged infrastructure - Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Suren Papikyan pic.twitter.com/zFXzQSleqw

2020-11-18 23:45:35
301🇦🇲 @301arm

As for Armenia, the construction of roads and reservoirs, which did not stop during the war, will continue. The volume of construction decreased in the first 10 days of war, but then work continued especially in those regions that were not in the warzone - Papikyan

2020-11-18 23:45:37
301🇦🇲 @301arm

Heavy police deployment in the vicinity of Freedom Square where an opposition rally is taking place. pic.twitter.com/RB7cZEzCXE

2020-11-18 23:55:13
301🇦🇲 @301arm

A few kilometers away from the opposition rally, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan went out to meet his supporters near the Government building on Republic Square, Yerevan, and asked them to disperse the rally, adding that there is no need for such actions yet... pic.twitter.com/vbyWnWV6Wo

2020-11-19 00:10:38
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