Japanese common understanding of what Comicsgate is. 日本人のコミックスゲートに対する理解の雑さ

Sadly "Comicsgate is nothing but alt-right thugs" is common understanding among Japanese. No one is trying to understand what was really is. 誰一人コミックスゲートの主張を知ろうともせず「コミックスゲートは極右暴力集団」で思考停止してるのヤバくないですか。それこそ普段から批判してらっしゃる「雑なレッテル貼り」じゃないですか。
Romly@C99 2日目 東テ-37a @Romly

And it's true that their policies are sometimes poor. But not only that it doesn't make excuse for saying discriminating remarks but also doesn't make excuse for intimidating slandering against fans or creators at all. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility.

2021-06-12 17:37:38
Romly@C99 2日目 東テ-37a @Romly

---------- Ok, Back to main topic, These are the top 3 results of Google search コミックスゲート in Japanese. Even if Japanese people skeptical on Comicsgate, what they can find is "Comicsgate is bad" stuff more or less. The language barrior is huge. Thread END!

2021-06-12 17:37:38

Searching result of コミックスゲート(Comicsgate) on Twitter.

How about actual Japanese opinions? Here is a quick search result of Comicsgate on Twitter.

The Drake @toshi52074


2021-06-08 17:49:37

Comicsgate is a serious terrorist type of people. Bringing their logic or information as proof of that political correctness ruined culture in America will cause you big trouble so be careful.

НIШIХАТА Осахiро @_Osahiro

コミックスゲートというのは一時期オルトライトとか言われてたあれに近い論調の人らで、インセルとかのかなり強い論調の人らも合流している模様。基調として穏健ではないのは意識の隅にでも置いとくようにしよう。 twitter.com/y_yoshihide/st…

2021-06-11 16:56:00
康芳英 @y_yoshihide

日本のポリコレ批判の中に(大部分の人はそれとは知らずにいるのだろうけど)コミックスゲート派から情報を持ってくることが散見されるのでその情報元は危ないぞと言われてるだけですね。 ポリコレ批判をコミックスゲートと同一視して批判を悪魔化するという話ではないです。 twitter.com/macchiMC72/sta…

2021-06-09 11:26:43

Comicsgate is people similar to those who have been called alt-right once, it seems that incels or quite radical tone people are also merged. I should put this in my mind that basically they are not moderate.

松田未来 コミックリュウで「夜光雲のサリッサ」連載中! @macchiMC72


2021-06-09 08:28:26

Comicsgate is kinda fundamentalists in a quite small part of American comics fans. Groups that claiming protect male-culture American comics. Of course they are against political correctness and they are radical conservatives, but it's not a good move to speak like they are the same as people wanting to keep the extensiveness of Japan.

康芳英 @y_yoshihide


2021-06-07 16:26:34

Comicsgate's biggest problem is that the movement itself is oppressing movement against expression and actually they are suppressing creators.

光線銃 @kousenjuu


2021-06-08 17:36:54

Is it so hard to understand that you shouldn't follow them because Comicsgate mobs are lunatic than you think?

ハルグナ @haruguna

コミックスゲート ゲーマーゲートもどきと聞いただけであかんやつやってなる

2021-06-06 14:06:59

It's clearly not ok since I heard Comicsgate is similar to Gamergate.

白金桜花 @YamanekoOuka


2021-06-06 13:50:43

In short, "There are a ton of crazy mobs trying to crush it as political correctness when creators try to make diversity or make what they want in American Comics, and these mobs are Comicsgate."

ふじげん🍊🍵 @is_i2012

ポリコレもコミックスゲートも危険思想ですね twitter.com/hally_sen/stat…

2021-06-11 20:51:27
はりせんぼん @hally_sen

アメリカの極右組織「コミックス・ゲート」 に賛同したり、協力する日本のオタクはまあいないんですよね 連中の排除対象であるアジア人でもあるわけですし ただ 「我々のリベラル思考に反対する人間は、すべてゲートに与する邪悪な輩である」 という短絡が、世界の半分を敵に見せているだけで twitter.com/yyposi918/stat…

2021-06-11 17:27:55

Both political correctness and Comicsgate are dangerous ideas.


People claiming what Comicsgate statements, they are like Trojan horse inviting Japanese creators' enemies.

ベリエス🐟️💙🐶🕵️‍♂️🐱🎤🌊🐣🎀(エロラクP⚜️) @eroluck

コミックスゲートとポリコレも全く同種の暴力集団ってところは覚えておこうな…… ポリコレなんてBLM起こして街ごと焼くようなヤバイ思想だし

2021-06-10 06:40:19

You should remember that both Comicsgate and political correctness are exactly the same type of violent groups.

Political correctness is a dangerous idea that caused BLM and burned the street.


Comicsgate is the lowest thugs abused, threatened against women or people of color, and even assaulting. I can't tolerate people using Japanese creations for supporting their statements.