


Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

Graduated from Gobelins June 2019 I do le animation and le storyboardu. vchansard.baguette@gmail.com


Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

I was the one who asked to not be credited in the episode, i usually ask for it when i feel i am not in control over the quality in the final product. It is absolutly not the fault of the very caring team who have treated me whith a lot of respect considering the circumstances.

2021-08-28 21:10:28


Sakuga ONE 「作画1️⃣」 @sakugaone

O episódio 109 de My Hero Academia deu o que falar, mas infelizmente por questões negativas: o anime oficialmente colapsou. Em seu novo texto, @YGP__ falou sobre a polêmica ao redor do episódio e também sobre os problemas de produção da série. Confira: bit.ly/3Bmqty0 pic.twitter.com/l7NGQvF7DE

2021-08-29 08:39:43
Sakuga ONE 「作画1️⃣」 @sakugaone

A produção de My Hero Hero tem dificuldades em lidar com abordagens mais ambiciosas, pois muitas vezes, um animador faz algo muito complexo e a sua cena tem que ser refeita. Vincent Chansard fez um excelente layout para o episódio dessa semana, que foi refeito na versão final: pic.twitter.com/in7wySiDZG

2021-08-29 00:50:32
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

I am very happy people like my animation, but please don't use it to hate people who literally destroy their health to make anime.

2021-08-29 22:32:02
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

The fact that the episode was finished on time is proof enough that there was a reason for that change, and to be fair, we got some pretty beautiful drawings of toga.

2021-08-29 22:32:19
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

Hopefully the health of the team was preserved, the episode was finished and it told the story it was supposed to tell.

2021-08-29 22:32:36
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

A thing a lot of people don't address is that the shots were long,my sequence was 20 shots,and some of them were around 10 seconds with a lot of characters, and it's one thing when it is on the storyboard,but once you see it animated it's a valid concern that it might be too much

2021-08-29 22:33:15
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

This is also something that happens everyday, in many anime. Had to do corrections before, and I sometimes changed the content of the shot, so it is completely reasonable that it can happen to me as well, that is just how it works in our industry, and that's for the better.

2021-08-29 22:33:55
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

Studio bones gave me permission to post the layouts, where they could have not, my name wasn't in the credit so no one would have ever find out and it would have been fine, but now the trust the company gave me just became fuel to hate them.

2021-08-29 22:34:15
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

I think it is just not worth having a tweet that's literally just an excuse for people to hate toward passionate and overworked workers. I know it's too late, but i might just take it out if it goes on like this.

2021-08-29 22:34:36
Chansard Vincent @Sparkleredpanda

At the end of the day we all love anime.I love studio Bones, i love MHA.I beg you, let's just enjoy animation together.

2021-08-29 22:34:50


Tsutomu Ohno @ohno_ben_w

🔸大野 勉 🔸アニメーター 🔸投稿は一個人のつぶやきになります。まとめサイトへのリンク、引用等はしないでください。 🔸仕事の依頼受付状況+仕事歴 ➡ https://t.co/MZcwHGs6QS 🔸プライベート垢 ➡ https://t.co/s227zU7vti


Tsutomu Ohno @ohno_ben_w

TLに流れてきたから見てみたけど、絵コンテ、作打ちなどがどうだったのかが分からないと、なんとも言えないなー。 ただ、ここ数年の海外アニメーターを見ていると、動かしまくるのが良い事、凄い事だと思ってるのでは?と思う事もあるかな(・ω・) twitter.com/sakugabrasil/s…

2021-08-29 10:25:04
Tsutomu Ohno @ohno_ben_w

今の日本のアニメ業界にとっては大変有難く助かる事なので、海外アニメーターの方々の参加は非常に心強いのは確か。 ただ、その作品。 そのシーン。 そのカットに求められている内容に、作画をコントロールする事にも気をつけた方がいいのでは?と思うですよ(・ω・)

2021-08-29 10:40:51

@ohno_ben 没原画で線撮までいっているということは、前後カットとの兼ね合いもあって再検討した可能性ありますね

2021-08-29 10:29:24

アニメの演出の仕事してます。いま忙しいです。 つべ https://t.co/WSivAWW0X6... ぴくしぶ https://t.co/dk0ExwprMQ あおぞら ttps://bsky.app/profile/joraemon.bsky.social


Tsutomu Ohno @ohno_ben_w

@JORA_JORAEMON デジタル作画の人の作業の流れはわからないけど、これって個人でデジタル作画(ラフ原)したものを自分で編集?して、「自分はこんな感じに描いたのに、こう変えられちゃった…」みたいな感じで比較動画を載せたのかな?と思ったですよ。 あくまでも想像です(・ω・)

2021-08-29 10:32:40

@ohno_ben 原画さんでここまでカメラワークもつけて編集できるって逆にすごいと思いますね… 個人でアニメ作成できちゃうレベルかと

2021-08-29 10:39:01
KL @TuEThoaywdAMmo

@JORA_JORAEMON @ohno_ben でもリテイクだったということですよね?

2021-08-29 10:41:23
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